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Example sentences for "formar"

Lexicographically close words:
formalized; formall; formally; formam; formant; formas; format; formate; formation; formations
  1. And now I leave you in peace, and desyres you that ar the freindis to study that amitie may increase, all formar offenses being forgett.

  2. I haif no plesour," said Johne Knox, "to declyne from the formar purpoise.

  3. And so was this formar Supplicatioun gevin to be reformed as Lethingtounis wisdome thought best.

  4. For we fear that sic usurpatioun to thair formar estaite be neather in the end pleasing to thame selfis, nor profitable to thame that wold place thame in that tyrannye.

  5. And thus, as the sword of dolour passed throught our heartis, so war the cogitationis and formar determinationis of many heartis then reveilled.

  6. The said Johnne Leslye, (according to his formar vowes,) strook him first anes or twyse, and so did the said Petir.

  7. We thairfore, with humbill confessioun of our formar offenses, with fasting and supplicatioun unto God, begane to seak some remeady in sa present a danger.

  8. Now onless that ye be able to prove that God hes commanded your Ceremonies, this his formar commandiment will dampne boyth yow and thame.

  9. Yf I shall say, our synnes and formar unthankfulness to God, I speik the treuth.

  10. Thare prayer was, "That God should convert and turne thame; that he should maik his face to schyn upoun thame; and that he should restoir thame to thair formar dignitie.

  11. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "formar" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.