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Example sentences for "garcons"

Lexicographically close words:
garbled; garbling; garboard; garbs; garcon; gard; gardant; garde; garded; garden
  1. It is done; and, passing the first dish to one of the group of garcons at his elbow who have been watching him, he bows and leaves the room.

  2. The group of waiters about him are deeply interested in this object lesson, and it is this willingness to learn which makes in Paris so many good garcons de cafe.

  3. The shrill voices of these petit garcons expressed our only bienvenue to France!

  4. You tell me where dat skeen ees or les garcons go to Red Fox for zee autarkies.

  5. You steal from two garcons one black fox skeen.

  6. Beware, then, of the tribunes and the poets who establish relations with the garcons coiffeurs!

  7. After a moment of silence he proceeded: "Mauvais-Garcons and Tire-Laines are good Catholics, I know.

  8. Brave garcons like you know how to bear such reverses with equanimity.

  9. He gave forth a particularly unpleasant sound from his throat, "You betes Anglish, you send my wessel to bottom last cruise, and sixty of my braves-garcons wid her.

  10. Few garcons have indeed a more sumptuous apartment than myself.

  11. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "garcons" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.