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Example sentences for "garrulousness"

Lexicographically close words:
garrote; garroted; garrotted; garrulity; garrulous; gars; gart; garter; gartered; garters
  1. LVIII The Tea, that in the magic of its Flow Anoints the Tongue to wag of So-and-So, To gabble garbled Garrulousness ere You lay the Cup and Saucer down and Go.

  2. We think we are listening to the pretty garrulousness of a child at play; beneath this prattle we must distinguish the rude voice of the combatants, bear-hunters and hunters of men too, and the broad, coarse hospitality of feudal manners.

  3. I repeat, becoming rather annoyed at his persistent garrulousness and his refusal to understand.

  4. Hence, too, Origen understands by the flies and frogs with which the Egyptians were smitten, the empty garrulousness of the dialecticians and their sophistical arguments.

  5. The pharaoh moved impatiently, but listened on, knowing that an Egyptian considered garrulousness as his duty and the highest honor to superiors.

  6. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "garrulousness" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    candor; fluency; frankness; glibness; gush; loquacity; openness; prolixity; slush; sociability; verbosity; volubility