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Example sentences for "giro"

Lexicographically close words:
girlishly; girlishness; girls; girn; girning; girsu; girt; girth; girthed; girthing
  1. A flash of the true light illuminated the mind of Giro Menotti, but that was extinguished on the scaffold.

  2. To prevent themselves from being ruined by the competition of the Reichsbank, the private banks of issue[186] have been obliged to offer various inducements to their customers in the matter of the giro business.

  3. The giro network and that of the post-check system are connected with each other by certain channels that render it possible for payments to travel unhindered from the one system over to the other without the intervention of cash.

  4. The Reichsbank, with a creative and organising spirit, laid the foundations of the system of payments by means of transfers to, and deductions from accounts current that obtains in Germany, the so-called giro system.

  5. In the matter of local transfers, on the other hand, giro and check are probably about on a level with respect to the number of transactions.

  6. This is as it should be, as it is mainly in the matter of long-distance transfers that the giro system has the advantage over the method of payment by check.

  7. These banks of issue have never had any great importance as regards the giro business, and even at the present day the volume of their transactions is relatively insignificant.

  8. In order to facilitate its giro business and reduce the friction to a minimum, the Reichsbank has special printed forms prepared for the various kinds of transactions, the use of which is made compulsory on the public.

  9. The giro business in Germany, however, is far from having attained the dimensions that the use of checks has in England and America.

  10. For at bottom its purpose is to become a giro system, a system of monetary transfers by means of assignments to, and deductions from accounts current.

  11. At any rate Giro got his engagement, and perhaps he sent mother that newspaper.

  12. His name is Giro Rodani; he was one of the maestro's pupils.

  13. The deaths of both the former occurred ere the new regime could be adopted in practice, and thus the survivor, Colonel Venancio Flores, was elected to complete the term of the presidency that Giro had vacated.

  14. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "giro" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.