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Example sentences for "great wealth"

  • The man of great wealth owes a peculiar obligation to the State, because he derives special advantages from the mere existence of government.

  • The Craenenburg was at this time the property of Hendrieck Nieulandt, a merchant of great wealth, to whom Maximilian was heavily indebted.

  • One who returns to Europe from the East with immense riches: hence, any man of great wealth.

  • Where men of great wealth stoop to husbandry, it multiplieth riches exceedingly.

  • He used to speak of his short residence in Halifax as a time of severe privation and anxiety, for it was a place then of no great wealth, and had little to offer to a penniless adventurer, such as he was.

  • This prolific parent was a man of no great wealth, and consequently his eldest son, Moses, left school at an early age, and was apprenticed to a London firm of provision dealers.

  • When acting thus, thou wilt get the possession of great wealth and at the same time of righteousness.

  • And should I once more come to great wealth, it shall to a certainty enrapture the minds of the mendicants; and for the present, even in this condition, I will give alms according to my means.

  • Then the king honoured the Nishâda by a munificent gift of great wealth.

  • The gravest evils which have developed out of our commercial prosperity are the uncontrolled power of great wealth, the growth of monopolies, and their sinister influence on our political institutions.

  • A sudden rise in stock, or a lucky speculation in some other venture, often places a comparatively poor man in possession of great wealth.

  • Two or three years ago the fashionable world was thrown into a state of excitement by the marriage of a Fifth Avenue belle to a gentleman of great wealth.

  • Great wealth is the accumulation of years.

  • This was the Baron Von Storck, who claimed to be an Austrian nobleman of great wealth.

  • Magnæ fortunæ comes adest adulatio=--Adulation is ever the attendant on great wealth.

  • Magnas inter opes inops=--Poor in the midst 20 of great wealth.

  • Johnson's opponents are the elements of reaction, the malefactors of great wealth, the supporters of that social inequality which the crowd resents.

  • Lances were tilted at malefactors of great wealth, in jousts where few were unhorsed and no blood spilled.

  • In a land of great wealth, families must not live in hopeless poverty.

  • I see a great nation, upon a great continent, blessed with a great wealth of natural resources.

  • The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "great wealth" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.

    Some common collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    each molecule; great advance; great and; great anxiety; great benefactor; great boon; great bunch; great cause; great central; great development; great encouragement; great events; great fight; great glory; great honour; great improvement; great lake; great lawyer; great luxury; great misfortune; great place; great quantitie; great race; great sinner; great step; greatly interested