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Example sentences for "harum"

Lexicographically close words:
harto; harts; hartshorn; harty; haruest; haruspex; haruspices; harvest; harvested; harvester
  1. There is a truth belonging to these truths; “Est veritas quædam harum veritatum.

  2. David Harum is a character whose qualities of mind and heart, eccentricities, and dry humor will win for his creator noble distinction.

  3. David Harum lives in these pages as he will live in the mind of the reader.

  4. He is a typical Yankee of the David Harum stamp.

  5. So they did, the false ruffians: but what harum 'll that do?

  6. We have in the character of David Harum a perfectly clean and beautiful study, one of those true natures that every one, man, woman, or child, is the better for knowing.

  7. David Harum deserves to be known by all good Americans; he is one of them in boundless energy, in large-heartedness, in shrewdness, and in humor.

  8. Has ut a nemine exigit, ita aliis non anxie praestat nec in congressibus nec in conviviis; licet harum non sit ignarus, si lubeat uti.

  9. The character sketching and building, so far as David Harum is concerned, is well-nigh perfect.

  10. David Harum is a character whose qualities of mind and heart, eccentricities, and dry humor will win for his creator notable distinction.

  11. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "harum" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.