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Example sentences for "hiven"

Lexicographically close words:
hitting; hiues; hiva; hive; hived; hiver; hives; hiving; hizieron; hizo
  1. Th' good woman wrings her hands an' calls Hiven to witness that if ye have a toothache ye wake th' neighborhood, an' slaps a mustard plasther on ye.

  2. In what purgatory will that infamous woman suffer if Hiven thinks as much iv janiuses as we think iv oursilves.

  3. Yes, it's all clear to my mind that he came straight from hiven to help me to bury the old woman, and to liberate the Americans.

  4. Thank ye entirely, and may Hiven send its blessing on ye all.

  5. Good-bye, and may the blissings of Hiven fall upon ye.

  6. Tis as hard f'r a rich man to enther th' kingdom iv Hiven as it is f'r a poor man to get out iv Purgatory.

  7. If there don't be a straight road to hiven fer thim both--an' purgatory ought to be saved fer the ither kind.

  8. Hiven rest ye, sor, but have ye ever a job o' garden work now on yer estate, sor, that would kape me until I got the bit to cross to Kathy?

  9. If I could strike a port just right, Hiven might get me home between times in a cattle boat.

  10. She's got a disease o' truth-telling when there's no need that would anguish the saints o' Hiven theirselves!

  11. Think iv this Light iv th' Tendherloin bein' compelled to set down ivry month or two an' chat about a new tooth that Hiven had just sint to a fam'ly up th' sthreet!

  12. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "hiven" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.