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Example sentences for "hitting"

Lexicographically close words:
hitherward; hits; hitte; hitter; hitters; hiues; hiva; hive; hived; hiven
  1. But no discipline and no efficiency can stop bullets hitting men.

  2. The enemy took refuge in the nullah, tumbling into it standards and all, and opened a sharp fire on the cavalry at close range, hitting several horses and men.

  3. But Tom was curious, and chancing to see a stone among some bushes, hurled it at the object, hitting it directly in the center.

  4. The boys tried to get another shot, but did not dare to fire for fear of hitting each other.

  5. They now saw that the foretopmast had come down, hitting the rail and breaking it loose for a distance of several feet.

  6. I shouldn't have tried it only he didn't fight fair--hitting me before I was ready, and kicking me when I was down.

  7. They threw snowballs in return, hitting Bock in the breast and Grimes in the chin.

  8. A tall youth, carrying a big dress-suit case, had forced his way through the crowd, hitting Jack in the knee with his baggage.

  9. Hammers should be used to hit iron only; for hitting wood, mallets are used.

  10. The head is made of steel, so hard that it will not be indented by hitting against nails or the butt of nailsets, punches, etc.

  11. Wounded, in the most susceptible part of his nature, Kresney saw no reason to deny himself the satisfaction of hitting back.

  12. These men walked up and down their respective lines and occasionally smote one of their squatting followers, hitting the chosen one without fear or favour, without rhyme or reason, and apparently without doing much damage.

  13. He was such a dear boy—one would never dream of snubbing him or snatching away a hand he gratefully stroked—it would be like hitting a baby or a nice friendly dog.

  14. They have been there two days now, and one of them is hitting up old John Barleycorn right hard.

  15. I had him covered for over five minutes, but didn't dare fire for fear of hitting you.

  16. Then he turned to his horses and relieved his feelings by hitting one of the wheelers below the trace; while Vaughan, willing to hear what the Frenchman had to say, took up the talk.

  17. Flixton, hitting one on the jaw very neatly--and completely disposing of that one for the day.

  18. He's got th' way of making folks see things that they can't see even when they're hitting them in th' eyes.

  19. He did not know that there were men who had gained distinction, popularity, and fame by doing nothing in particular but hitting things animate and inanimate with magnificent precision of aim.

  20. He afterward remembered sand thrown in his eyes and a fall backward, hitting his head, after a shell had struck the sandbags in front of him.

  21. The attack ceased in two minutes, as the result of hitting heavy blows on the chest with a moist handkerchief and the threat of a strong and painful application of the electric current.

  22. I did not know I was doing that; it felt as if hitting at you were the only way to defend myself.

  23. The boys were teasing him about hitting the ball straight, and, as luck would have it, Jed's team came along just that minute.

  24. Of course, there was only one chance out of ten of hitting the horse at all, and, even if it had hit him, it might have only made him jump, and that would have been the end of it.

  25. We used to put a man out then by throwing the ball at him and hitting him with it.

  26. Could you say you did me a good turn by hitting me with a brick because that way I got to be a scout?

  27. It isn't because there's nothing better than gold," said Garry, still intent upon hitting his mark.

  28. He couldn't help hitting it, stuck up the way it was on a pinch of sand--stuck up like a sore thumb.

  29. You were a good shadow golfer, like a shadow boxer that can hit dandy blows when he's hitting at nothing.

  30. And he had slunk back when the course was cleared, to be told the simple secret of hitting a golf ball.

  31. Fog not only prevented the British airmen from doing their best work, but it kept the marksmen on the German aircraft also from hitting the ships on the waters beneath them.

  32. They were in solid square blocks, standing out sharply against the skyline, and you couldn't help hitting them.

  33. But the commander of the Hogue thought she had been sunk by hitting a mine, and innocently approached the spot of the disaster to rescue such of the crew of the Aboukir as were afloat.

  34. Every now and again a report rang out on the far side of the river, and a bullet whistled through the reeds, but fortunately without hitting any of them, though some came very near.

  35. They have word that the attackers are nearly in position, and that they are not to fire again for fear of hitting their friends," whispered Steve.

  36. George gave a short laugh: "I fancy it's more the hitting back than the fondness.

  37. Presently in the center of a surging mass we crowded our way to the taxi, the policemen going in front and hitting round light with their clubs.

  38. Nine minutes later she started to fire fourteen rapid salvos at another battleship, hitting her badly and forcing her out of the line.

  39. Luck, plus sweet beam and instrument flying by the pilot, saved them from hitting the deck and being washed out of the world and the war right then and there.

  40. Before hitting the silk they would have not only to locate their "objective" but to gauge the wind direction, and speed, and then bail out so that drift would not take them beyond their target, or cause them to drop far short.

  41. Whether he was hit by another thunderbolt, or it was just hitting the gravel-topped roof, he didn't know, but in the next second he had lost consciousness of everything.

  42. We, of course, dared not fire, on account of the possibility of hitting our own men.

  43. The observation balloon used to go up here at the back of the village, and on several occasions the enemy shelled it, but never succeeded in hitting it.

  44. Enemy artillery was silent, probably through fear of hitting its own men; but bombs and trench-mortars were busy.

  45. Our gunners were there all right, ready and willing; but they didn't know where we were, and dare not fire for fear of hitting us.

  46. It was the eastbound run, and, to make up for the loss of time a slow order over new construction work back a dozen miles or so had cost him, the 1601 was hitting a pretty fast clip as he whistled for Elbow Bend.

  47. Seeing those from the Eaglet coming to the rescue, several others leaped overboard, so that those in the rowboats had all they could do to move without hitting any one.

  48. He shot at them several times without hitting anybody, and then, to his consternation, he found that his ammunition had given out.

  49. Undoubtedly Strawn would have dismissed the note as the work of a crank, not hitting upon the fact that it had been written in that very room, on Dundee's own typewriter and stationery.

  50. But what a chance Miles took on the bullet's not hitting her in a fatal spot!

  51. The first two or three shots show you that your shots are hitting about a foot below and a foot to the right of the center of the bull's-eye.

  52. Never change your aim; change your sight adjustment if your shots are not hitting in the right place.

  53. The only joy I got out of the rumpus was in hitting one of those alienists a damned hard clip in the ribs, and I'm glad I did it.

  54. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "hitting" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
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