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Example sentences for "bullets"

Lexicographically close words:
bulles; bullet; bulletin; bulletins; bulletproof; bullfight; bullfighter; bullfighting; bullfights; bullfinch
  1. The remaining man, seeing the fate of his comrade, ran back to his people with wonderful activity, sharpened no doubt by the ping and whiz of half a dozen rifle-bullets sent after him at about 200 yards.

  2. These had barely been posted in a good position, when a perfect shower of bullets fell amongst the main body, the only casualty being, however, one man struck by an almost spent bullet.

  3. Up at the mountain in the strong room of the mine the silver bars were worth less for his purpose than so much lead, from which at least bullets may be run.

  4. Bullets were still flying about when he had crossed the Plaza on that mission, waving above his head a white napkin belonging to the table linen of the Amarilla Club.

  5. Several bullets struck the end of the wall together; pieces of plaster could be heard falling outside; a voice screamed "Here they come!

  6. One of McGill's bullets tore through Allen's right sleeve, the other creased him on the side of the head.

  7. Both of his guns exploded and the bullets sent up a shower of gravel at Allen's feet.

  8. It was a four and a half pound shell, filled with gun-cotton slabs and shrapnel bullets packed in sawdust.

  9. It was nearly dark, and a figure in white came and stood by the hole; he stood quite still and the German bullets went on just the same.

  10. She could and did believe in the efficacy of mascots against bullets and shrapnel and bayonets.

  11. I was lying doggo by myself in a hole, and bullets whizzing over me all the time.

  12. The two engines passed each other, the men firing the while, emptying their revolvers, shattering wood, shivering glass, the bullets clanging against the metal work as they struck and struck and struck.

  13. If bullets go t'rough your red coats you die lak ot'er men I guess!

  14. You got no medicine to stop those bullets you sell us!

  15. That is ten bullets for every man of yours.

  16. Yet how many bullets had swept over his head!

  17. The shutters let in the rays of the sun through the holes the bullets had made.

  18. Look into the barrels, where the steel head of the bullets are smiling at you.

  19. The blows of the crowbars redoubled in force, and the bullets that broke through the closed windows dislodged the plaster from the walls; shot followed shot.

  20. You may see it was not I who stole your money; for, had I done so, I should just now have planted two bullets in your carcass, one in your heart, the other in your skull.

  21. The peasants did not dare to aid where bullets whistled.

  22. The man had steeled himself to receive a volley of bullets in his back.

  23. By allowing ten bullets to each man killed, I was able to learn that we had killed forty men.

  24. He moved with the dignity of a hero who marches towards a wall to meet the bullets of a firing-squad.

  25. The guns were loaded again, bags of bullets being this time inserted instead of balls.

  26. Four of the strongest companies garrisoned the Porc Espic; ten weak companies and nine cannon loaded with musket bullets defended the Helmond.

  27. We shall be sure to attract attention sitting up here, and might have some bullets flying round our ears, besides which this fellow's friends might suspect our object and signal to him in some way.

  28. In his admiration of their movement, and of the quiet and easy manner in which the marching officers had ordered it, Dick heeded not the whizz of bullets overhead.

  29. Presently all growlings ceased, and nothing was heard but the roar of the cannon, the throbbing beat of the enemy's drums, and the singing of the bullets in the air.

  30. A few seconds later several musket-shots rang out from the copse, and he heard the sing of bullets about his head.

  31. Some bullets came close to Theodore Roosevelt, and one hit a palm tree near where he was standing, filling his left eye and ear with the dust and splinters.

  32. The jungle covered everything, and not the faintest trace of smoke was to be seen in any direction, to indicate from whence the bullets came.

  33. Here it was found that both bullets had entered his body, one having struck the breastbone and the other having entered the abdomen.

  34. He went wherever he thought he was needed, and the fact that Mauser bullets were flying about in all directions did not daunt him.

  35. The bullets were flying as thickly as ever, when Roosevelt was ordered to advance in support of another regiment.

  36. Bullets were now flying in all directions, and both sides were making their shots tell.

  37. He frequently assured me that, although he seldom fired at a female elephant, one bullet was sufficient to kill, and generally two bullets for a large bull of the same species.

  38. Beset on all sides, in the midst of a circle of fire, bombs exploding and bullets raining through their ranks, they make but a despairing resistance; which ends in half their number being killed and the other half taken prisoner.

  39. Then there is a chorus of wild yells, followed by shots--a very fusillade; bullets strike the rocks and break fragments off, while other shots fired in return by those above into the black mass below instantly disperse it.

  40. No one saw those bullets strike that gently-curved right palm, but everyone saw them drop into her cupped left hand, like drops of water dripping rapidly from the end of an icicle into a bowl.

  41. Lola's slim, deeply-tanned arm did not even quiver under the impact of that storm of heavy bullets against her apparently unsupported hand.

  42. Tobey evidently does not intend to be in the way of the bullets that are now lying quietly on their beds of powder in the little iron chambers of the pistols under the coats of the red devils.

  43. He shall not escape, and a dozen bullets pass through him.

  44. These infuriated thirty-six men believe in him, and his promise to make medicine that will turn the bullets of the white men.

  45. They fall back, followed by the shouts and bullets of the Modocs, and soon leave the voices of the wounded behind them.

  46. He promises his people that he will make a medicine that will turn the soldiers' bullets away.

  47. Come up," again shouts the brave colonel, still standing with the bullets flying around him.

  48. The surgeons have extracted four bullets from his wounds.

  49. I will make a medicine that will turn the white man's bullets away from the Modocs.

  50. The Modoc heart is strong; the Modoc guns were sure; the bullets went straight.

  51. Luckily, this uncertainty did not last long, those of the enemy's bullets that struck the ground near us solving the problem.

  52. Bullets began to drop closely about them, in their exposed position.

  53. A volley rang out, and bullets whistling over the heads of Hal and Chester found lodgment in Austrian breasts and heads.

  54. The second line, being thus cleared of the first, poured a hail of bullets into the Cossacks as the latter were caught between them.

  55. Hal waited long enough to see that the work had been well done, then rose to his feet, placed his hand upon the barrier, and, amid a hail of bullets from the other Austrians, vaulted back to safety.

  56. But it was not from injury, as the others feared, for at that moment there came a volley and bullets whistled overhead.

  57. Bullets and shells were still whistling overhead, for the three were between the opposing forces.

  58. Even as Alexis had predicted, the mountains swarmed with the enemy, who rained bullets upon the Russian columns from every hand.

  59. A hail of revolver bullets sped through the canvas of the tents, striking down those who were yet asleep and reaping a toll of death among those who were dashing to arms.

  60. Bullets flew about all three occupants of the machine, and then the craft, struck in a vital spot, staggered.

  61. In the meantime, Hal and Stephan kept up a steady fire with their rifles, pouring a hail of bullets in the direction of the advancing Germans.

  62. Bullets flew around him, and Chester, realizing the dog's danger, whistled sharply.

  63. They could see nothing at which to shoot, however, and their bullets did no damage.

  64. These last followed the vacuum of low-flying bullets and had a spat and twang of their own.

  65. Several pistols were discharged at him, but though the bullets struck his armour, no injury was done him.

  66. The Royalists shouted, but their triumph was short-lived, for the bullets of the musketeers killed them both, and their comrades took to their heels.

  67. The villains were hurrying towards the spot, and as soon as they descried me through the gloom, they both discharged their pistols at me, but the bullets whistled past me harmlessly.

  68. A shower of bullets from the battlements would have answered the summons, if Colonel James had not previously sent word that the flag of truce must be respected.

  69. Illustration 062] If it continued turbulent, Henriot would now and then order his furnaces for heating the bullets to be brought up to the entrance of the Tuileries.

  70. About as soon as could be, after the flash of my fire, came quite a volley of bullets singing around my head, from the enemy's line.

  71. In no battle that I was in, did the bullets sing about my head as they did here.

  72. At this point the railroad ran through a piece of woods, and we, though facing occasional bullets from the enemy, could see but a short distance ahead of us.

  73. I remember that one man had his canteen shot away, and others bullets through their clothing.

  74. I hated bullets and had no appetite for glory or promotion, and it was a relief to lie there out of range of the detestable mines.

  75. While lying here entirely helpless, and hearing those vicious bullets singing over my head, I suffered from fear.

  76. I remember in making our advance through the fields we came to a depression through which the bullets were flying briskly.

  77. From the stray bullets coming over some of our men were hit.

  78. We had to mold our bullets and make our cartridges and when sufficient ammunition had been prepared we were ready.

  79. Instead, I found the tent riddled with bullets and several old guns which the soldiers had destroyed by hammering the barrels around a tree.

  80. We made a run and when about half across the bullets came so thick we could go no further.

  81. The house was considerably scratched up by bullets and blood was strewn all around it.

  82. Those horses were all killed by bullets from one side or the other before they got off the battlefield.

  83. When we reached the timber bullets were flying after us pretty thick, but I stopped and threw my double barrel shot gun to my shoulder.

  84. They soon learned to keep their heads down, but they would put their hats on gun sticks and hold them up for us to shoot at, but we soon discovered this device and wasted very few bullets afterwards.

  85. From the way they dropped out of their saddles I am sure very few of our bullets went astray.

  86. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "bullets" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.