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Example sentences for "bullfighter"

Lexicographically close words:
bulletin; bulletins; bulletproof; bullets; bullfight; bullfighting; bullfights; bullfinch; bullfinches; bullfrogs
  1. Nan's eyes were riveted on the ring, where the bullfighter with his spear was waiting for a propitious moment to plunge it into the mad bleeding animal that was lunging at him.

  2. Down there before her the bullfighter was fighting a championship fight.

  3. So now, as the girls sat in the arena in Mexico City waiting for the next bullfighter to come into the ring, Nan was doing her best to quiet her friend.

  4. The bullfighter turned around and took a good look at the lone American.

  5. The hidalgo doctor gave the bullfighter a hypodermic injection of morphia.

  6. The poverty-stricken Spaniard, however, gives all he can, and lets the bullfighter dream the rest.

  7. It seems the custom of travelers to charge that the apparent bravery of the bullfighter is mere pseudo-courage.

  8. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "bullfighter" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.