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Example sentences for "bullet"

Lexicographically close words:
bulldog; bulldogs; bulldozer; bulldozers; bulles; bulletin; bulletins; bulletproof; bullets; bullfight
  1. They fired, and before the balloon could rise again a bullet grazed Gambetta's head.

  2. Rodelleo du Porzic, whom a bullet struck in the chest.

  3. Also thy bullet hurts me not a little, Thy Shiah blood might serve to salve the ill.

  4. Bullet blessed by St. Hubert used to shoot witches with, i.

  5. That swerve to the side saved him, doubtless, from the shot of Gregg; his own bullet plowed cleanly through the thigh of the other rider.

  6. She thought at first that the bullet must have numbed, as it struck her.

  7. Perhaps, for all Ronicky knew, his bullet had ruined the happiness of two lives.

  8. If there happened to be among these fellows a man of the type of him who sneered, a bullet would catch the fugitive long before he reached the bottom of the staircase.

  9. He sent a bullet a fraction of an inch past Fernand's head, at one point in the little story.

  10. He'd come like a bullet from a gun if he really wanted me," said Ruth.

  11. By all this there was many a young life cut short, as truly as though a bullet had stilled it; and it was not only the men who laid down their lives, many a gentle girl was also a victim.

  12. I agree wis him; I say that if any dam kanaka interfera with your business the besta thing to do is to puta the bullet into him.

  13. This Rawlings lifted and showed Barry a bullet hole in the left temple.

  14. But be careful of Rawlings, he always carries a derringer and might put a bullet into you before you could get your hands on him.

  15. Ferry for "le grand Repos," as he lay stifling from the weakening heart which the bullet of a political enemy and the slings and arrows of years of calumny and persecution had at last broken?

  16. Better to risk a bullet than a dose of gas," decided the rifleman, and with this intention he breasted the slope as rapidly as his sprained ankle would allow.

  17. As the pistol dropped from the fellow's limp hand the weapon went off, a bullet grazing the head of the president of the court of enquiry, and rendering him insensible.

  18. A rifle bullet had struck him fairly on the left temple, causing instantaneous death.

  19. The next instant Henderson dropped the fellow with a bullet at close quarters, while Joliffe accounted for the third.

  20. One had to be carried in with a gunshot wound in both legs and a bullet through his neck.

  21. His shrapnel-helmet had fallen off, revealing an unbandaged bullet wound extending over both eyebrows.

  22. Before he could decide whether to snatch up his rifle or to raise his hands and shout "Kamerad" a bullet from Malcolm's revolver struck him fairly in the centre of his low forehead.

  23. But his hand was trembling, and the bullet shattered a sign above the head of Lord Nick.

  24. It was only necessary that she should not know who sped the bullet home.

  25. He, at least, would send his bullet straight to the mark when that first chime went humming through the big room.

  26. One bullet would do all this: and with Jack dead, who else stood close to the girl?

  27. He should have known that he would not be thanked for bringing back her lover to her with a bullet through his shoulder.

  28. It was a cruel one, for the bullet had torn its way through flesh and sinew, and for many a week the fighting arm of Jack Landis would be useless.

  29. One pressure of the trigger would put an end to Donnegan; one bullet would give George the canvas sack and its small treasure.

  30. As for the bullet itself, it had whipped cleanly through, at that short distance making nothing of its target.

  31. Yet not a man or a woman stirred from his chair, for everyone knew that if the long-delayed battle between these two gunfighters was at length to take place, neither bullet was apt to fly astray.

  32. At that moment the crack of a musket was heard, and a bullet crashed through the pine boards of the pilot-house.

  33. Before Captain Passford was ready to think of any thing except the joyful meeting with his son, Captain Pecklar suddenly dropped to the deck as though a bullet from the enemy had finished his career in the very moment of victory.

  34. If I get a bullet through my carcass, they will make a corporal of me.

  35. If you put a finger on me, I will put a bullet through your head, if you are my brother!

  36. One bullet for Victor Durnovo, another for himself.

  37. Therefore he dropped a bullet into the water, under the bow of the canoe, at eight hundred yards.

  38. Could he or would he shoot a pistol-bullet through his hand, in order to render the robbery probable, and to obtain belief in his story?

  39. The fact of the pistol-bullet being fired through the hand, is doubtless a circumstance of importance.

  40. The bullet went through the sleeve of his coat.

  41. This young man, a law student of three-and-twenty, was at the selfsame instant struck by a bullet and killed.

  42. Thiers, with the historian Mignet as one of his seconds, received the old gentleman's bullet between his legs without returning the shot.

  43. But the bullet with which he had intended to blow his brains out glanced along the frontal bone and destroyed one of his eyes, without inflicting any mortal wound.

  44. He said, no; that his heart was strong, and that a bullet could never kill him.

  45. Brokaw's huge fist landed against the side of his head and grazed off like a bullet that had struck the slanting surface of a rock.

  46. A bullet flew through one of the cracks, and they heard the soft thud of it as it struck Tara.

  47. He thought the bullet had struck him there.

  48. The men among the rocks were no longer aiming at the door, but at the spot from which he had fired, and a bullet ripped through so close that a splinter stung his face, and he felt the quick warm flow of blood down his cheek.

  49. He had a lightning impression of seeing the bullet as it tore through the clay between two of the logs; he knew that he was struck, and yet he felt no pain.

  50. David "If standing you up against a tree and putting a bullet through your heart is murder--yes," gloated Brokaw.

  51. It was the cabin's vulnerable point, and he sprang out of line with it as a second bullet crashed through and buried itself in the log wall at their backs.

  52. Next to small-pox and a bullet through your heart, worry is about the blackest, man-killingest thing on earth, David.

  53. Step a little aside, m'sieu, while I put a bullet through his head!

  54. The crash had come simultaneously with the report of a rifle, and both saw where the bullet had passed through the door six inches above David's head, carrying a splinter as large as his arm with it.

  55. Possibly it was his bullet that went through your excellency's coat.

  56. While talking with Roger and those around him, a bullet whizzed past the doctor's head, knocking a pin from his ear-lock.

  57. A bullet whizzed over his head, and the report of the musket awoke the echoes along the shore.

  58. Suddenly a musket flashed, high up in the air, and a bullet fell into the water by his side.

  59. Roger saw a soldier deliberately raise his gun, take aim, and send a bullet through the heart of Jason Russel, an old gray-haired man, standing in his own door.

  60. Their muskets flashed and both fell, the Britisher with a bullet through his heart, and Heywood mortally wounded.

  61. The minute-men hastened on, and at the tavern of Mr. Brooks he sent another bullet into the ranks of the retreating foe.

  62. Roger, rested and invigorated, ran through a pasture, crouched behind a bowlder, rested his gun upon it, and sent a bullet into the ranks.

  63. He was so near that it would be easy to send a bullet through his heart.

  64. In Mr. Munroe's tavern they were compelling old John Raymond to bring them food, and because he could not give them what they wanted, sent a bullet through his heart.

  65. He ran his eye along the gun-barrel, pulled the trigger, and sent the bullet through the upraised arm.

  66. And I hope you'll have a chance to put a bullet through the carcass of Sam Adams," said Mr. Shrimpton.

  67. Again, a flash from the bow, and a bullet pattered into the water.

  68. Again a musket flashed and a bullet pierced the canoe, reminding him he was near enough to the ship to be seen.

  69. The temptation was very strong to spend the last bullet upon him, but he could not fail to see the absurdity of the thing; besides which, his gun was seated upon the ground, with the muzzle pointed upward at him.

  70. He would not turn his back upon his white foe, who had just sent a bullet in quest of his heart.

  71. This warrior was directly in the rear of Lone Wolf, and had been so fairly in line with him that there could be no doubt that the bullet had really been intended for the chief.

  72. While we are looking about, and axing ourselves whether there's anybody else at all around us, one of the spalpeens sinds his bullet down here, coming closer to us than is plaisant.

  73. Holding his hand containing the bullet well out through the window, he touched the flame to the cartridge.

  74. I take the ordinary bullet and simply fill the hollow end with one grain of my new compound, covering the whole with a fine and durable cement.

  75. When the Secretary had received them, he gave one to Cobb, saying: "This small bullet does not look much like a cartridge, does it?

  76. The bullet entered the paper and penetrated through about forty sheets.

  77. The rifle cracked, and the conical bullet tore clean through the Navajo's vitals and passed out at his right breast.

  78. Perhaps you didn't know that your bullet took me through the fleshy part of the arm here," and he pointed with his finger to the place where the ball had entered.

  79. The bullet had struck him between the elbow and shoulder and had passed out again without touching the bone.

  80. If Tito brings Felipe back alive they shall get married right away, but if the cacique's bullet has laid the poor chap out, then I shall see what I can do to fix her up good somehow when I get back.

  81. He's got a bullet in his arm," answered Tito for him.

  82. He's not dead, but he has a bullet wound.

  83. Stephens, his head a little thrown back, his breast expanded, braced himself to receive, and to return if he could, the treacherous bullet he more than half expected.

  84. There aint no bullet in that," he said, "or I'm a Dutchman.

  85. He gave the word to "Charge," and the word has scarcely passed his lips when he received a bullet in the groin.

  86. Less than three minutes before Montcalm's fall, Wolfe had received a third bullet wound--this time in the left breast.

  87. The bullet struck a bolt, ma'am, and glanced off.

  88. He carried scars of knife and bullet which bore mute testimony to the fact that with his childhood he had not outgrown his quick and violent temper.

  89. I remember you, with that great bullet furrow down your cheek and the blood streaming from it as you fought at my side.

  90. The bullet had penetrated his brain, causing instant death.

  91. If you want to invite a bullet from the other side, I shall not hinder you.

  92. Immediately after the voice came a pistol-shot, and a bullet flattened itself against the bronze figure just behind Andre-Louis.

  93. The sight of them reminded him unpleasantly of how he must stand towards the law for this night's work, and more particularly for that bullet lodged somewhere in Binet's obese body.

  94. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "bullet" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.