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Example sentences for "treacherous"

Lexicographically close words:
trayterous; traytor; traytour; tre; treacheries; treacherously; treachery; treacle; tread; treade
  1. I work on slippery logs under which is a current so swift and treacherous that a misstep would be absolutely fatal.

  2. The treacherous current instantly swept him from the barge.

  3. I have been exceedingly anxious for the last hour or two, for I know this part of the French coast well, and am fully aware of its extremely treacherous character.

  4. As Morgan went on the stillness of the clearing seemed terrible, and once more I could not help thinking of what a treacherous act it was to steal upon the creature like that in its sleep.

  5. When these savages attack us, it will be in some treacherous way, so as to get the advantage of us without injury to themselves.

  6. Receive, dear friend, the truths I teach So shalt thou live beyond the reach Of adverse Fortune's power; Not always tempt the distant deep, Nor always timorously creep Along the treacherous shore.

  7. She knew that Eos still envied her, and she sought to guard Kephalos from the danger of her treacherous look and her enticing words.

  8. Nevertheless, the sons of men have from him no great gain, for all night long he vexes them with his treacherous wiles.

  9. But when they heard this, they were all full of fury, for Dionysos had deceived them by his treacherous words, and even Kadmos himself, in his weakness and old age, had been led astray by them.

  10. The first impression was that there had been an uprising among the treacherous natives and a force, consisting of nearly all the able-bodied men in the community, started for the scene of the massacre.

  11. Looking down, he saw that Peter and Regnar had got safely across the chasm, and almost despairing of the fate of his party, he followed down the rude steps, and across the treacherous bridge.

  12. You know what the Turk is--as treacherous as he is cruel.

  13. The Fight with the Kaffir Beer At last Khama's treacherous old father, Sekhome, died.

  14. In his hard, guilty face treacherous cunning and masterful cruelty were blended.

  15. Ocean brought me safe to shore; but I found her who bore me more treacherous than the sea.

  16. Among those thousands of vessels many must, every year, have come to harm in those difficult channels and treacherous seas.

  17. And sink into the earth, thou treacherous water!

  18. Carefully, leaning against the wet stones of the side of the pyramid, I gradually pulled her to her feet and away from the treacherous edge.

  19. I began leading Sarah down, step by treacherous step.

  20. Marble, treacherous and to blame To burn your Sculptor with such flame!

  21. O certain Error, 'neath uncertain sky Suspending here our frail mortality; Leading us through a thousand devious ways And intricacies of a treacherous maze!

  22. His heart expanded and softened to a grateful melancholy, and with his eye fixed upon the distance, and no thought of present danger, he continued to stroll along the elevated and treacherous promenade.

  23. The journeyman declared he would instantly quit the hair-dresser's treacherous roof, and him and his periwig stock.

  24. If the door of the cupboard had not been locked, Paul would undoubtedly have burst out and yielded himself up, to escape the humiliation of being sold like this by a mercenary and treacherous porter.

  25. This was witnessed with secret satisfaction; for, with these treacherous scintillations, departed the dread that many felt, lest they should betray the march of the army.

  26. Good-bye, captain, and distrust those scamps of Indians, for they are as treacherous as they are cowardly.

  27. That may be," he answered; "but I know their treacherous nature.

  28. For his entire front would face, almost immediately after crossing the border, the treacherous lake district in the south of East Prussia.

  29. Again and again he had tramped through them on foot, picked his way along their treacherous paths on horseback, and finally put their few roads to the supreme test of the motor car.

  30. His requital was a pistol shot in the shoulder from the treacherous Swede.

  31. Treacherous and bloody, Henry mingled grovelling piety with debauchery, and made of the court a veritable Alsatia, where paid assassins who stabbed from behind and mignons who struck to the face, were part of the train of every prince.

  32. They had the reputation of being the most rapacious, cruel, and treacherous of all the Indians on the plains, and had a great deal of influence over the Comanches and other neighboring Indians.

  33. Desolation after desolation has swept over me; for each hour of happiness the treacherous trader, Love, as sold me I have paid a thousand hours of grief.

  34. She inveighed against him, not as the most treacherous lover, but as the most abject wretch, in courting the smiles of such an awkward dowdy, while he enjoyed the favours of a woman who had numbered princes in the train of her admirers.

  35. But, in general, a gravity of insidious courtesy disguised from all but penetrating eyes the treacherous purpose of his heart.

  36. We will be without those aids on which even the largest nations have at times to depend; and we will be liable to the advances of England's treacherous and deceptive policy.

  37. And what country so fruitful and populous, so strong, so well marked and guarded by the sea, and with such an ancient name, was reduced to provincialism by bribery and treacherous force, and is denied all national government?

  38. Theirs was no treacherous assassination--theirs no stupid riot--theirs no pale mutiny.

  39. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "treacherous" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.