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Example sentences for "bulldozers"

Lexicographically close words:
bullace; bullae; bulldog; bulldogs; bulldozer; bulles; bullet; bulletin; bulletins; bulletproof
  1. Bulldozers scurried up and down like huge beetles, clearing off everything inflammable.

  2. Them bulldozers and power saws don't help you sawyers much--not in this camp anyway.

  3. By the time they reached the north end of the ridge, the bulldozers had already started to clear a fire line to the hill about a third of a mile away.

  4. High up above the towns and the dark streams, the strip-mine bulldozers and power shovels that have replaced most of the workers chew away at the green flanks of mountains named for Indian chiefs and pioneers and things that happened long ago.

  5. In 1966, the critical upper third of the Rock Creek basin was very nearly turned over to suburban developers as a playground for bulldozers by a lame-duck Montgomery County Council on a rezoning spree.

  6. Once ashore and clear of the loose sand along the beaches, the tanks, half-tracks, and armored bulldozers of the landing force ran into the strongest minefield defenses yet encountered in the Pacific War.

  7. Cranes, brought ashore to unload cargo, tilted at insane angles, and bulldozers were smashed in their own roadways.

  8. In the process, the Navy-Marine Corps team successfully experimented with the use of armored bulldozers and sleds loaded with hinged Marston matting delivered in the assault waves to help clear wheeled vehicles stuck in the soft volcanic sand.

  9. The new TD-18 bulldozers were found to be an inch too wide for the medium landing craft (LCMs).

  10. For Iwo Jima, he and his staff developed armored bulldozers to land in the assault waves.

  11. On the beach at Iwo, the bulldozers proved to be worth their weights in gold.

  12. The truck and bulldozers set out toward the city, with the column of robots marching a fair distance behind.

  13. They watched as the robots precisely severed the part of the tree that blocked the highway, going not one inch beyond the gravel shoulder, and helped the bulldozers to tug it aside.

  14. One of the armored bulldozers lost three drivers, successively, to enemy fire.

  15. Since the cargo came ashore in nets, it was possible to use cranes and bulldozers to good advantage.

  16. The company was assisted by armored bulldozers from the 302d Engineers.

  17. But the bulldozers burned both house and church.

  18. One of his friends was fearful that he would heed their persuasions and went to see him, and told him not to listen to their sweet talk, for the bulldozers only wanted him back so that they might take his life.

  19. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "bulldozers" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.