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Example sentences for "extracted"

Lexicographically close words:
extortions; extorts; extra; extracellular; extract; extracting; extraction; extractions; extractive; extractives
  1. The king, who was seated on his throne delivering his final commands, ordered them to be beaten till the truth should be extracted from them.

  2. The descriptive list of the musical instruments in use in England during Leycester's lifetime (about 1656) has been extracted and published by Dr F.

  3. The perfume, which is extracted in the same way as in the two preceding species, is highly valued and much used by the Javanese.

  4. The ball will be extracted this evening, and to-morrow I shall go in myself.

  5. When I extracted the third, Fatty could stand it no longer; made a rush, and commenced a ferocious assault, pitching it in, right and left.

  6. Cousin Tom's bullet was extracted the same afternoon, with immediate relief to the patient.

  7. The ball will be extracted this evening, and then, I hope, he will do well.

  8. In the fourth Gospel the words of John are extracted from him ("he confessed and denied not") by emissaries sent by the Pharisees of Jerusalem specially to question him on the subject.

  9. The passages which he cites, therefore, and which appear to indicate the use of Gospels, instead of being extracted from the works of the founder himself, in all probability were taken from writings of Gnostics of his own time.

  10. They seem to be extracted for the most part from works already mentioned.

  11. His interest is concentrated exclusively on the turns of fortune, the successes of statecraft, and the lessons of conduct to be noticed in or extracted from the business in hand.

  12. And early in the seventeenth century a report was issued dealing with a tree growing in Mexico, from which the natives extracted a milky liquid that came to be used by the Spaniards for the purpose of making their garments water-tight.

  13. Under European supervision, gutta-percha is now extracted from the leaves of the tree.

  14. Among the whole gems, eighteen magnificent pearls were extracted from the jeweled belt.

  15. From this he extracted a stiff sheet of parchment-like material.

  16. Nothing can with certainty be extracted from these names.

  17. He rents the land and must pay rent to the landlord, or he works upon borrowed capital and must pay interest upon loans, so that the surplus-value extracted from the laborer must be divided into rent, interest, and profit.

  18. The wealth producers are exploited by a class whose source of income is the surplus-value extracted from the workers.

  19. What we owe to the genius of Marx is an explanation of the manner in which surplus-value is extracted by the capitalist from the labor-power of the worker, and the part it plays in capitalist society.

  20. But after vain efforts, accompanied by restless gestures and movements, he suddenly started up, and again extracted his vial-book.

  21. It was even reported that the Beaugency family had been nigh suffering the same fate, and that some heavy fines which had been extracted from them had straitened their means, and obliged them to live in retirement.

  22. But when a man has such a motto to ponder over, he will not rest until he has extracted the moral from it, and meanwhile the time has elapsed without any evil thoughts having entered his mind.

  23. It is called the wourali poison, and is said to be extracted from a sort of creeping vine which grows in the country.

  24. Of the venom extracted from snakes, which is mixed up with the juice of the euphorbia, and boiled down till it becomes of the consistency of glue.

  25. This Reine had opposed; she thought they should avoid awakening public curiosity so long beforehand, and she extracted from Claudet a promise to say nothing until the date of the marriage should be settled.

  26. Extracted from the accounts made up by the comptrollers-general, I.

  27. The arrow had been extracted and Mrs. Morris was using her utmost skill in binding up the wound.

  28. In some strange manner he extracted a pleasure from the fact that he was so hampered with trunks and rugs.

  29. But the pleasure to be extracted from the story was merely relative, since its execution was a dismal failure.

  30. But he particularly extracted ineffable pleasures while listening to the plain-chant which the organist had preserved regardless of new ideas.

  31. Extracted from the principal Registry of Her Majesty's Court of Probate.

  32. He whipped open the same locker from which he had taken the rough toilet articles, and extracted a little blue-backed track-chart of the world, which he opened and laid across his knees.

  33. I'll give ye the real thing,' and, sliding open a locker in the stern sheets, he extracted a couple of towels.

  34. He went to the locker from which he had extracted the biscuits, produced a bottle of rum, and filled a wineglass.

  35. I know thy meaning, answered Friar John; this metaphor is extracted out of the claustral kettle.

  36. Chicory and most of the other adulterants of coffee contain no oil, but do contain caramel, which is quickly extracted by the water producing a zone of brown color about such particles.

  37. Remember that the ether-extracted curd must be brown.

  38. Confirm its presence by neutralizing the aqueous solution of the extracted benzoic acid with sodium hydroxid; concentrate to a very small volume.

  39. No one of them ever extracted from her the faintest admission that she ever received a line or an attention from any one else.

  40. But no information as to Peyton's whereabouts could be extracted from him or his unwounded confederates; nor could they be induced to give any clue which might lead to his implication.

  41. When I extracted a couple of fivers and handed them to the chief gaoler, begging him to do the best for my comfort, the situation changed considerably, but no hopes were held out for my immediate release.

  42. With this the commissary pulled out a drawer, extracted a tricolour sash and slowly buckled it round his waist, then once more turned interrogatively to the sergeant: "It is nothing very serious, M.

  43. These kept things going till we dug out a food tank from which was rapidly extracted a week's supply of chocolate.

  44. Why, dash it, he could have extracted flies from the eyes of Cleopatra with one hand and Helen of Troy with the other, simultaneously, without giving them a second thought.

  45. Archie extracted Peter from his pocket and dropped him gently through the transom.

  46. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "extracted" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.