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Example sentences for "eighteen"

Lexicographically close words:
eigen; eigene; eigenen; eight; eighte; eighteene; eighteenpence; eighteenpenny; eighteens; eighteenth
  1. Every Siamese subject, on attaining a certain height, has to pay to Government an impost or annual tribute equivalent to six ticals (eighteen francs).

  2. We left Pinhalu at eleven, and by evening had reached the great bazaar of Cambodia, the distance being about eighteen miles.

  3. Patawi seems to be composed of one enormous rock, which rises almost perpendicularly like a wall, excepting the centre portion, which towards the south hangs over like a roof, projecting eighteen or twenty feet.

  4. Things went on like this for eighteen centuries, and at last reached the present position in which it is absolutely obvious that there is, and can be, no external definition of evil binding upon all.

  5. Eighteen hundred years ago there appeared in the midst of the heathen Roman world a strange new doctrine, unlike any of the old religions, and attributed to a man, Christ.

  6. And now after eighteen centuries the prophecy has been fulfilled.

  7. And such a theory is the Christian view of life made known to mankind eighteen hundred years ago.

  8. They added they had not been paid for more than eighteen months.

  9. On the top we crawled forward eighteen or twenty yards on our bellies, until we lay at last gazing downward.

  10. And of the eighty mounted men he degraded eighteen to march on foot again, replacing them with more obedient ones.

  11. It should have been here fifteen days ago, so Wassmuss said, but we are willing to wait eighteen more.

  12. We have waited eighteen days for sight of this gold for Wassmuss.

  13. And ought not this woman, being a daughter of Abraham, whom Satan had bound, lo, these eighteen years, to have been loosed from this bond on the day of the sabbath?

  14. And behold, a woman that had a spirit of infirmity eighteen years; and she was bowed together, and could in no wise lift herself up.

  15. Reimarus was the first, after eighteen centuries of misconception, to have an inkling of what eschatology really was.

  16. On these lines Jesus played His part for eighteen months, from the Easter of 31 to the Feast of Tabernacles of 32.

  17. On that Maundy Thursday the 13th Nisan, it was exactly thirty-three years and eighteen weeks less one day.

  18. The eighteen centuries already past are yet only a part of an unknown future.

  19. Mr. Bryan, for the United States, has within the last eighteen months concluded twenty-six general arbitration treaties with different Governments, and may yet succeed in his ambition of signing treaties with all the remainder.

  20. After a temporary truce the old conflict revived, and within eighteen months the friction between Magyars and Croats was as acute as ever.

  21. Thirty primary ribs of equal size; four of them are the prolongations of the four cortinar beams, eight intercalate between these secondary, {1165}and the other eighteen tertiary.

  22. Thorax nearly ellipsoidal, with eighteen prominent ribs, and eighteen longitudinal rows of regular circular pores between them (eight pores in each row; therefore 144 pores altogether).

  23. Thorax ovate, truncate, with eighteen serrate longitudinal ribs, alternating with eighteen longitudinal rows of short and broad rather oblong pores (twenty to thirty pores in each row).

  24. Cephalis subspherical, spiny, with sharp collar stricture on the base; its apical opening central, surrounded by a coronal of twelve to eighteen short spines.

  25. Shell slender, pyramidal, with nine strong radial ribs, which are connected by eighteen to twenty-four complete horizontal rings.

  26. Shell slender, pyramidal, with nine strong radial beams, connected by twelve to eighteen irregular interrupted rings.

  27. In the outer half of the thorax there are nine weaker secondary ribs interpolated between the nine stronger primaries, and eighteen shorter and feebler tertiary ribs between the former and the latter.

  28. Coronet with eighteen to twenty-four slender, irregular, pointed, convergent feet, about twice as long as the thorax.

  29. Basal ring elliptical, with fifteen to eighteen conical, curved, descending feet, half as long as the ovate sagittal ring.

  30. Married at eighteen to the infirm and aged Louis XII.

  31. It is difficult to distinguish between statements relating to the negotiations with regard to Lady Jane carried on at this date, and those taking place eighteen months later.

  32. Developing a sudden parental anxiety concerning the child he had been content to leave to the care of others for more than eighteen months, he replied, firmly though courteously negativing the Admiral’s request.

  33. That old bull's been down eighteen minutes.

  34. Eighteen hands before the mast," he said.

  35. He showed Rosa and her father the diamonds, and, the truth must be owned, they made Rosa's eyes sparkle for the first time this eighteen months.

  36. The next article but one was a drawing-room suite Rosa wanted; but the auctioneer bid against her; so at eighteen pounds she stopped.

  37. Now her husband was the mate of a ship; would not be in England for eighteen months.

  38. Instantly some dealer, one of the hook-nosed that gathered round each lot as it came to the foot of the table, cried "Eighteen shillings.

  39. As we were re-forming behind Brenier's division, eighteen thousand veterans of the Prussian guard charged up the hill, carrying the shakos of our killed on their bayonets in token of victory.

  40. There are eighteen or twenty thousand of them, and I first saw them at Austerlitz, where we fixed them finely.

  41. Twenty-nine States and the District of Columbia require an examination for license to practice medicine; eighteen of these require both a diploma from a recognized college and an examination.

  42. The average life of trolley wheels is 1,000 miles, and the conditions under which they operate are quite severe, as the company has on its main line eighteen railroad crossings.

  43. The first day I proceeded eighteen miles, and reached Steeples, at the head of the Zwoshau, or Joachim river, at an early hour.

  44. Once outside the harbour a straight course can be laid for Dungeness, eighteen miles distant.

  45. The latter were naval eighteen pounders, fixed in the Church-end battery at East Looe.

  46. Eighteen seconds--less than one-third of a minute--ten inches gained!

  47. There she built a convent; and for eighteen years she devoted her life to the training of the many virgins who resorted to her company, attracted by the fame of her holiness.

  48. When his son was eighteen years old, Constantius was promoted to the rank of Caesar.

  49. If we could travel toward it in a straight line, we would reach it, if we kept our pace of about eighteen miles per second, in approximately four hours!

  50. His grandfather, who had watched the passing of eighteen centuries, had discovered the Secret of Life and thoughtlessly, in the light of later developments, broadcast his discovery to the world.

  51. I shall record it in full: "We came to rest upon the surface of this, the fourth of the planets visited during the first trip of the Edorn, eighteen spaces before the height of the sun.

  52. Our law givers have decreed eighteen as the age of consent.

  53. But at eighteen the "Appeal to Reason" seemed unanswerable to me.

  54. Judge Ryan, before whom she tried her case, and who believed that all women should marry and keep indoors as soon after eighteen as a man would have them, was mightily exercised over her invasion.

  55. The pay would be eighteen hundred a year.

  56. At eighteen I let a tangle of words crash into, smash, my love.

  57. Up to this moment her age had been a matter of much speculation, varying from eighteen to twenty-six.

  58. Are we to have a new religion, or rather an old one brought to light, that will upset what we've been hugging as truth for the last eighteen hundred years.

  59. It took eighteen months to collect five per cent of the taxes laid in 1783.

  60. No test could be more winnowing than that to which the Constitution was subjected during more than eighteen months before its adoption.

  61. A "stiff kit" for eighteen months is no small thing, let me tell you.

  62. If you took that examination and got a "stiff kit" for eighteen months, you had good cause to hold your head up and step as high as a blind horse.

  63. For some eighteen centuries it was supposed that a regularly ordained minister should have exclusive charge of this work.

  64. When the iron has passed through these, the bloom of eighteen inches in length, has become extended to nearly as many feet.

  65. The blooms are about eighteen inches long, and four in diameter.

  66. The hypersonic test flight was on, in eighteen days.

  67. As he began lowering the massive flight helmet, he noted that with the engines on military power they had exactly eighteen minutes of JP-7 left.

  68. Now the altimeter was spinning, and in eighteen seconds they had already reached twenty thousand feet.

  69. I think she was transferred here around eighteen hundred hours, and then a little later her suitcase arrive from hangar.

  70. He was a pianoforte-maker, and had been employed at Brinsmead's for eighteen years.

  71. But there's nothing against them, to my knowledge, and I've been a constable in this sub-division for eighteen years.

  72. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "eighteen" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.

    Some related collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    eighteen centuries; eighteen dollars; eighteen feet; eighteen guns; eighteen hours; eighteen hundred and fifty; eighteen hundred and forty; eighteen hundred and sixty; eighteen inches; eighteen miles; eighteen months; eighteen shillings; eighteen thousand; eighteen years; eighteenth century