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Example sentences for "holsom"

Lexicographically close words:
holotype; holp; holpe; holped; holpen; holsome; holster; holstered; holsters; holts
  1. And yet the same (liking or lothing the licorous diet, and curious expectation of som) shal beare regarde with those that more delite in holsom viandes (voyd of variety) than in the confused mixture of foren drugges fetched farr of.

  2. I wondre gretly, certes, why that thou art syk, sin that thou art put in so holsom a sentence.

  3. Love, that with an holsom alliaunce Halt peples joyned, as hym liste hem gye!

  4. In the contrey of Grece were stodyes fyrst founded and ordeyned in the which began and sprange holsom medicyne which gaue vnto infect myndes frutful doctryne and norisshinge.

  5. Of suche as nedys wyll contynue in theyr foly nat withstandynge holsom erudicion.

  6. Your hondis wasshe; yt ys an holsom thyng; your naylis loke they be not gety blake, 44 Ne suffre not them over longe growyng.

  7. God gefe hym grace of holsom councell, and of a gode disposicion; non est opus unius diei, nec unius septimanae.

  8. If the sport fail," she wrote, "at least the angler hath his holsom walke, and may enjoy at his ease the ayre and swete savoure of the medes of floures that maketh him hungry and he may hear also the melodious harmony of fowles.

  9. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "holsom" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.