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Example sentences for "imbarke"

Lexicographically close words:
imamate; imams; imaum; imaun; imbalance; imbarked; imbarking; imbecile; imbeciles; imbecilities
  1. On Monday the six and twentieth of Nouember, the Generall commaunded all the Pinnaces vvith the boates, to vse all diligence to imbarke the Armie into such ships as euery man belonged.

  2. Omoncon did forthwith imbarke himself into his boate without any resistance, but rather with feare that hee should be punished for that hee did flie from him.

  3. This day we hired a Barke to imbarke the pilgrims for Venice, but they departed not.

  4. In the ende they determined to goe to Venice, but first to Ramagna, there to imbarke themselues for to retyre in saulfty to the citty enuironned wyth the Sea Adriaticum, the richest in Europa.

  5. For I was ready to imbarke my selfe with all speede, to discouer as farre vp our Riuer, as I might by any meanes.

  6. And for that sir Humfrey Gilbert, as you haue heard long since, hath bene preparing into those parts being readie to imbarke within these 10.

  7. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "imbarke" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.