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Example sentences for "infix"

Lexicographically close words:
infirmaries; infirmary; infirmitie; infirmities; infirmity; infixed; inflame; inflamed; inflames; inflaming
  1. It has been proved at large, that the influence of belief is at once to inliven and infix any idea in the imagination, and prevent all kind of hesitation and uncertainty about it.

  2. To work into the natural texture or into the mental or moral constitution of; to stain; to saturate; to imbue; to infix deeply.

  3. To set; to fasten or fix by piercing or thrusting in; as, to infix a sting, spear, or dart.

  4. Achilles was vulnerable in his heel; and there will be wanting a Paris to infix the dart.

  5. A number of roots (here treated as simple) have the form of words with infix -in- (cf.

  6. It is sometimes a reflexive verbal infix (MSL.

  7. The infix hui conveys a sense of "at" or "from a distance.

  8. Thro = a common infix commonly used to express completeness of action.

  9. The infix brap signifies anger, restlessness, and bai means wandering about.

  10. The infix bai signifies wandering, and babrap being in pain or wrath.

  11. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "infix" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.