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Example sentences for "melange"

Lexicographically close words:
melancholia; melancholic; melancholie; melancholly; melancholy; melanic; melanin; melanism; melanistic; melanotic
  1. Ha, that was an unlucky mistake of Melange which we found out too late.

  2. The boys laughed aloud, and Mr. Stanhope could hardly preserve his gravity, but Sir William gave Melange a look that seemed a deathblow to his flippancy, for he moved off directly to the care of his jars and hampers.

  3. My valet shall attend you till Melange has made his arrangements,' said Sir William.

  4. In his "Pluralite des Mondes," a singular melange of science and sentiment, which he had written some years before and dedicated to a daughter of the gay and learned Mme.

  5. The duchesse possessed to perfection that singular melange of ostentation and ignorance which was so peculiar to the ante-revolutionists.

  6. Her mind was the most marvellous melange of sentiment and its opposite.

  7. The latter protests against the idea of imputing to Plato "un melange monstrueux de deux systemes incompatibles" (Etudes sur le Timee, vol.

  8. They were not aware that the revolutions of the one annulled those of the other as to effect, and that their system thus involved the two contradictory articles, or "melange monstrueux," of which Martin speaks so disdainfully.

  9. The chief architectural characteristics, an entrancing melange of French and Spanish, are the remaining ramparts and their ogive-arched gates, the Vieux Pont and its fortified gateway, and the fifteenth and sixteenth century church.

  10. Architectural styles were strong and hardy, but most often they were a melange of foreign forms, combined and presented anew by local builders.

  11. Architecturally it is a melange of Romanesque and Gothic.

  12. A contrepas finally brings in a mixture of women, the whole forming a melange of all the gyrations of a dervish, the swirls of the Spanish dancing girl and the quicksteps of a Virginia reel.

  13. And he poured it all out in a melange without coherence or logical sequence: poetry and slang, bravado and egotism, trash and divinity and dirt.

  14. Hawksworth watched as he assembled a ball of the rice-and-meat melange with his fingers and reverently popped it into his mouth.

  15. Ascending les montagnes de St. Marie aux Mines, the scenery presented a beautiful melange of wood and rock; the road likewise was excellent.

  16. Voltaire, in his "Melange de Poesies," alludes to this triumph of liberty in some truly elevated lines.

  17. I have accordingly in the following melange introduced many themes besides political ones.

  18. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "melange" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.