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Example sentences for "ministrants"

Lexicographically close words:
ministering; ministers; ministership; ministher; ministrant; ministration; ministrations; ministred; ministres; ministri
  1. Several millions of savages are thus let loose by a few thousand windbags, the politics of the café finding an interpreter and ministrants in the mob of the streets.

  2. There were various classes of ministrants at every shrine, but they differed apparently rather in the nature of their functions than in rank.

  3. The ministrants were members of certain local families called Hirpi (wolves).

  4. When the Jews stinted the ritual or the ministrants of Jehovah, they were doing what they could to put Him to open shame before the nations.

  5. One would expect, as has happened in the Christian Church, that the ministrants of the symbolic ritual would annex the other acts of public worship, not only praise, but also prayer and exhortation.

  6. To see that the Preachers and other ministrants duly and promptly receive their salaries.

  7. In the temple, approached by well-laid steps, they saw incense being burnt in front of stone and wooden idols, while files of women ministrants chanted near the altars.

  8. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "ministrants" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.