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Example sentences for "relentlessness"

Lexicographically close words:
relented; relenting; relentings; relentless; relentlessly; relents; relesse; relevance; relevancy; relevant
  1. The Judge indulges in a little relentlessness now and then, himself.

  2. He won a remarkable case for Appleton here, and he once said that the Judge would have sat on the Supreme Bench if he had not been pursued with such relentlessness by rascally politicians.

  3. The relentlessness of certain activities, such as feeding the stock, was the same whether the farm boasted one cow or fifty.

  4. This twice-daily task was, of course, particularly important on dairy farms and its relentlessness is often the first aspect to be mentioned in any farming recollection.

  5. But he had seen her sitting, looking steady out of the window at the cathedral, her face and eyes fixed, reflecting the relentlessness of life.

  6. Perhaps, at sight of the relentlessness in his eyes, hope left her, and she sank down on a chair and buried her face in her hands, her voice broken by sobs.

  7. Again, pity seemed never more out of place, yet pity was Hodder's dominant feeling as he met the coldness, the relentlessness of the glance.

  8. I was momentarily sobered by the earnestness with which he brought home to me the relentlessness of our civilization.

  9. He would sing of the relentlessness of guilt, the inheritance of guilt, the shadow of guilt darkening innocent posterity.

  10. And she perceived in them a moral force, a severity and a relentlessness which she had never met before.

  11. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "relentlessness" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.