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Example sentences for "relieve pain"

  • The only treatment indicated in this case was the best of surgery for the injury, and some easing doses for a short while at first, to relieve pain.

  • To relieve pain, to hold the bowel still, and to abolish the morbid hunger, a few doses with the hypodermic needle were a seeming necessity.

  • To relieve pain, then, is curative, because it lessens the abnormal congestion.

  • Nitro-hydrochloric Bath: to cause expulsion of calculus and to relieve pain.

  • It is used locally in powder or solution to relieve pain.

  • I have in my mind several cases of inebriety which were traceable to the habit of taking something to relieve pain at these periods.

  • In this malady the patients have only the general appearance of being asleep in respect to their inattention to the stimulus of external objects, but, like the epilepsies above described, it consists in voluntary exertions to relieve pain.

  • It is certain that there are other Narcotics and Sedatives which are able to relieve pain, but which neither cause constipation, nor produce cerebral congestion.

  • Thus Ammonia is given to prevent Syncope, caused by a weakness or failure in power of the nerves of the heart; and Aconite is prescribed to relieve pain caused by an over-excitement of the sensory nerves.

  • To relieve pain due to uterine disorders, a dessertspoonful every three hours, or increased to a tablespoonful, at the discretion of the attending physician.

  • Libradol is recommended in a great variety of conditions and is especially claimed not only to relieve pain, but to remove the cause of pain.

  • Anodynes to relieve pain, paracentesis of the abdomen to remove accumulation of fluid which causes distress, carbolic acid to check nausea and vomiting, and the usual haemostatics for hemorrhage, are the measures most necessary.

  • Opium and its preparations should be avoided except to control frequent or watery discharges or to relieve pain, but it is not often that this is called for if wiser measures are first employed.

  • The cramp is a violent exertion to relieve pain, generally either of the skin from cold, or of the bowels, as in some diarrhoeas, or from the muscles having been previously overstretched, as in walking up or down steep hills.

  • The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "relieve pain" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.

    Some common collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    already hinted; bear them; beg your; black cinder; decide upon; district courts; divine goodness; domestic and personal service; library school; local circle; looked forward; mounted riflemen; quite aware; relieve pain; relieve the; relieve them; relieved from; republican principles; shaven face; she wrote; symbolic logic; the right; this doctrine; true unity; visiting card