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Example sentences for "roiled"

Lexicographically close words:
roguish; roguishly; roguishness; roiall; roight; roily; rois; roisterers; roistering; roit
  1. As soothing oil upon roiled waters his words fell; they fell even as sweet unguents upon raw wounds.

  2. Clouds roiled below the summit, obscuring it from view.

  3. The surface of Miracastle roiled with unfamiliar storms and tornados and hurricanes.

  4. Under their enthusiastic attack the water was soon so roiled that visibility at the wreck was reduced to almost zero.

  5. Rick tried the infrared light intermittently, but not until they were in about twenty feet of water did the roiled bottom allow its use.

  6. The water that had just been roiled with wheels Was flowing limpid, bright, and sweet.

  7. Trickles of earth were still coming down from the sides of the gully, and the little stream, which had been clear and sparkling, was roiled with mud.

  8. We'd better go upstream; if we go down, we'll find the water roiled with mud and unfit to drink.

  9. Zeus brow was dark, and the clouds above Olympus now roiled and flashes of lighting lit the dour sky.

  10. With a shudder Demo ignored the roiled waters.

  11. Then the captain began to get slightly roiled in temper, and the voice was not so gentle, sweet and low, but it had no greater effect upon his craft.

  12. As the teams rolled along they scarcely roiled the water.

  13. There is a rustic bench, much roiled by the birds, and decorticated and split by the weather, near the little gate.

  14. Broadbent enters, roiled and disordered as to his motoring coat: immensely important and serious as to himself.

  15. I don't believe in drinking of a roiled stream because it happens to be the first one you come to.

  16. The creek was probably over a hundred feet wide, and the roiled current abounded with limbs and trees that swung up and down, sometimes out of sight and then popping up again, as though they were frolicking in the swift waters.

  17. It had shrunk to its usual volume, and was winding along as lazily as usual, the only sign of the violent freshet being the débris left along the bank and the slightly roiled appearance of the current.

  18. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "roiled" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.