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Example sentences for "sharp angle"

  • The river is a torrent, and the valley is ascended at a sharp angle.

  • Its rays were both slanted astern at a sharp angle, so that it slid forward with tremendous momentum.

  • In operation they rose to great heights on their powerful repellor rays, then gathered speed either by a straight nose dive, or an inclined dive in which they sometimes used the repellor ray slanted at a sharp angle.

  • Capillitium of brownish-violet threads, arising from the upper part of the columella; these branch repeatedly at a sharp angle, form an intricate network of elongated meshes, terminating at the wall in numerous short free branchlets.

  • Capillitium of very slender threads, straight or often sinuous, stretching from the columella to the wall of the sporangium, simple or outwardly sparingly branched at a sharp angle.

  • In all samples of ten or more specimens, some toads have the supraorbital and postorbital crests forming a sharp angle, some have the crests forming a curve, and some have an intermediate condition.

  • The reinforcing rod is bent up at a sharp angle, and then may or may not be bent again and run parallel with the top of the beam.

  • The first criticism, that of bending rods at a sharp angle, may be said to be of this nature.

  • Drawings may be made without indicating the curve, but in practice metal is seldom bent to a sharp angle.

  • The Arrow ascended at a sharp angle, and then hovered for a little while in curves and spirals.

  • He was standing beside the Arrow, and giving the machine a sharp push he sprang in and rose at a sharp angle.

  • It was hard to take aim, firing from one flying target, at another, but he saw the man flinch, turn suddenly, and then go rocketing away at a sharp angle.

  • The river skirted the edge of these foot-hills as if looking for a possible escape, then turned and entered the mountain at a sharp angle.

  • With a short rope fastened to the iron bar or hand-hold on the stern, this end was lifted on to the cross-piece, the bow sticking into the water at a sharp angle.

  • This rapid marks the place where the granite, or igneous rock, intrudes, rising at a sharp angle, sloping upward down the stream, reaching the height of 1300 feet about one mile below.

  • The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "sharp angle" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.

    Some common collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    blood poisoning; brown color; divers places; eight eggs; fresh pork; give life; her name; made lace; potassium bromide; sharp action; sharp contrast; sharp fight; sharp frost; sharp glance; sharp knife; sharp look; sharp minor; sharp point; sharp report; sharp sword; sharp teeth; sharp turn; sharply pointed; spoke with; truly said; will pray