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Example sentences for "sulfurous"

Lexicographically close words:
suldna; sulfate; sulfide; sulfur; sulfuric; sulk; sulked; sulkily; sulkiness; sulking
  1. Sulfurous fumes lifted from its surface, killed the trees bordering the dark waters.

  2. From its mouth sulfurous fumes rise, and dark clouds of noxious gases besmirch the sky.

  3. Sulfurous fumes that might have brought them to a deadly sleep dissipated with their approach.

  4. If, as was formerly sometimes the case, sulfuric acid was used to effect the conversion of the starch or sulfurous acid to bleach the glucose and these acids were not altogether eliminated, the product might be unwholesome or worse.

  5. Steaming sulfurous fumes uncoiled in the midst of waves bubbling like water in a boiler.

  6. In certain localities thin smoke holes gave off a sulfurous odor, showing that the inner fires still kept their wide-ranging power.

  7. It was an arduous climb over sharp lava and pumice stones in the midst of air often reeking with sulfurous fumes from the smoke holes.

  8. When sulfur is burned, a gas is formed known as sulfurous acid, and until the last few years, it was the most common of all disinfecting agencies.

  9. If sulfurous acid is present a deep blue color forms at once.

  10. The chemicals used as preservatives are sulfurous acid, and the sulfites, salicylic acid and saccharin, benzoic acid, and sometimes formaldehyde.

  11. If sulfurous acid is present, it will be oxidized to sulfuric acid and precipitated as barium sulfate by the barium chlorid.

  12. Sulfurous acid is used to bleach such foods as canned corn.

  13. If a precipitate forms on the addition of barium chlorid the presence of sulfurous acid is indicated.

  14. Huge sun-baked cracks opened up in the floor of the gorge, with black cliffs jutting up on either side; the air was filled with a barely visible yellowish mist of sulfur and sulfurous gases.

  15. We couldn’t detect a wind, but we knew there was a hot, sulfurous breeze sweeping in great continental tides across the face of the planet.

  16. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "sulfurous" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.