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Example sentences for "symphonic poems"

  • The highest popular conception of a classical concert is one in which a complete orchestra performs symphonies and extended compositions in allied forms, such as overtures, symphonic poems, and concertos.

  • It is a favorite solo instrument in Liszt's symphonic poems.

  • A German enthusiast says this work is the first towering peak of a mountain chain, and that here already--in the first of the list of Symphonic Poems--the mastery of the composer is indubitably revealed.

  • But what boots leading motives--as old as the hills and Johann Sebastian Bach--or symphonic poems nowadays?

  • Smetana's affiliations with Liszt bore fruit in a worthy series of symphonic poems, whereas his native inheritance is emphasized in his national dances for pianoforte.

  • Saint-SaĆ«ns has expressed himself both in symphonies and in symphonic poems.

  • My symphonic poems I will bring you as soon as I find it possible to get away from here for a fortnight.

  • The other things (symphonic poems) will also be in print by that time.

  • By this post you receive the three first numbers of my Symphonic Poems, which have just been published.

  • My friendly greetings to Stein--and present my warm thanks to the courageous orchestra, which has not been scandalised by the "Symphonic Poems"!

  • With regard to the autographed orchestral parts of my "Symphonic Poems," I should be glad if they could be out by the end of July.

  • Since you went away I have worked chiefly at my Symphonic Poems, composing and elaborating.

  • I cannot remember for certain whether I have already sent you the Avant-propos to my Symphonic Poems, which I have in the meantime had printed on the occasion of their performance here.

  • At the end of the year you shall get some still greater guns from me, for I think that by that time several of my orchestral works (under the collective title of "Symphonische Dichtungen" [Symphonic Poems.

  • The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "symphonic poems" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.

    Some common collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    acre field; became king; common conversation; could answer; dead flat; express provision; field glass; free constitution; helped himself; her people; interfere with; last hour; long stay; many centuries; other families; paper pulp; right honorable; shoal water; symphonic poem; symphonic poems; that which; will judge the world; yellow lion