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Example sentences for "ultimo"

Lexicographically close words:
ultimately; ultimates; ultimatum; ultimatums; ultimi; ultimum; ultimus; ultra; ultraism; ultramarine
  1. Followed it down to our camp of the 2nd ultimo and remained there.

  2. Started at half-past seven, and at two minutes past ten o'clock I arrived at the running stream (the Chambers) of the 4th ultimo and camped.

  3. The papers asked for in your letter of the 27th ultimo will be sent to you.

  4. SIR: Your letter of the 28th ultimo to the President was duly received.

  5. In the letter addressed to your excellency from this Department on the 17th ultimo you were informed of the continuance of that arrangement and of the reasons for it.

  6. To the Senate: I transmit for your constitutional action articles of a treaty concluded on the 23d ultimo with the Chippewas of Saganaw, accompanied by a communication from the Secretary of War.

  7. To the House of Representatives of the United States: I transmit to the House of Representatives copies of such documents referred to in the message of the 17th ultimo as have been prepared since that period.

  8. After a careful reading and comparison of it with the article in the National Intelligencer of the 15th ultimo and the article over the initials J.

  9. Your letter of the twenty-ninth ultimo came to hand by the post of Friday, and eased my mind of many unpleasant sensations and reflections on your account.

  10. I have attentively perused the government despatch of the 15th ultimo forwarded through you.

  11. When Ray had finished his cigar, Johnny took his mandolin and began Kennedy's favorite, "Ultimo Amor.

  12. Dear Sir, I confess myself very remiss in not answering your favor of the 21st ultimo sooner.

  13. The French fleet, he informs me, was on the 27th ultimo sixty leagues west of Cape Finisterre, proceeding to its destination, in good order and with a favorable wind.

  14. Sir, On the 5th and the 12th ultimo I did myself the honor of addressing you from Madrid.

  15. I knew however where to find water that day; and we proceeded to the fine pond which I was so fortunate as to discover on the 24th ultimo after our horses had suffered thirst for three days and two nights.

  16. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "ultimo" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.