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Example sentences for "unapparent"

Lexicographically close words:
unanswerably; unanswered; unanswering; unanticipated; unanxious; unappeasable; unappeased; unappetising; unappetizing; unappreciated
  1. Or glides a ghost with unapparent shades; How to Icarius in the bridal hour Shall I, by waste undone, refund the dower?

  2. But they bring with them an image of the mundane composition in which both the apparent beauty is worthy of divinity, and a beauty more divine than this is established in the unapparent lives and powers of its causes.

  3. Things unapparent are believed from things apparent, and incorporeal natures from bodies.

  4. They are unable to free themselves from the importunities of the apparent facts and apparent relations which solicit their attention; and when they make room for unapparent facts it is only for those which are familiar to their minds.

  5. The eye sees a certain coloured surface; the mind sees at the same instant many other co-existent but unapparent facts--it reinstates in their due order these unapparent facts.

  6. The mental vision by which in Perception we see the unapparent details---i.

  7. Whereas in the mind of the nurse this relation is so vividly impressed that no sooner does the paper approach the flame than the unapparent fact becomes almost as visible as the objects, and a warning is given.

  8. The truth is that she revealed her innermost and unapparent nature only in her poems.

  9. Mrs. Kennedy, for some unapparent reason, smiled--but there were tears in her eyes.

  10. Genevieve's face turned a sudden, painful red, for some unapparent reason.

  11. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "unapparent" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.