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Example sentences for "acclaims"

Lexicographically close words:
accipit; accipiunt; acclaim; acclaimed; acclaiming; acclamation; acclamations; acclimated; acclimation; acclimatisation
  1. To all which glad acclaims the prince responds With heartfelt courtesy and royal grace.

  2. But yet to see our people, riding forth, To their acclaims he answers with such grace And gentle stateliness, my heart would swell As I would hear the people to each other say; 'Who ever saw such grace and grandeur joined?

  3. Half the world abhors thee beating back the sea, and blackening Heaven with fierce and woful change of fluctuant form: All the world acclaims thee shifting sail again, and slackening Cloud by cloud the close-reefed cordage of the storm.

  4. L With just and sacred jubilation Let earth sound answer to the sea For witness, blown on winds as free, How England, how her crowning nation, Acclaims this jubilee.

  5. Still the sea that salutes us free proclaims them stricken, acclaims thee crowned.

  6. For a memory recalling the rapture of earth, and redeeming the sky, Shines down from the heights to the depths: will the watchword of dawn be July When to-morrow acclaims November?

  7. Rome, redeemed at last From all the red pollution of thy past, Acclaims the grave bright face that smiled of yore Even on the fire that caught it round and clomb To cast its ashes on the face of Rome.

  8. I saw another wave of color sweep her face, and then she bade me rise, and as I stood beside her a burst of acclaims came from every lip, "Vive le roi!

  9. In all countries Christophe acclaims the folk without a country as helpers towards the foundation of the universal fatherland.

  10. When the boy, holding his grandfather's hand, enters the church and is greeted by an outburst of music from the organ, the genius within acclaims the work of the distant brother and the child is filled with joy.

  11. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "acclaims" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.