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Example sentences for "courtesy"

Lexicographically close words:
courtesan; courtesans; courtesie; courtesied; courtesies; courtesying; courtezan; courtezans; courthouse; courthouses
  1. I owe Captain Pedersen, the present chief of the Commissariat Department, my heartiest thanks for the courtesy he always showed me when I came to get things out of him.

  2. Through the courtesy of the West of Norway Petroleum Company, we got this done on very favourable terms at the company's storage dock in Skaalevik.

  3. The Jew was not expansive; but he showed a ready courtesy when approached on any subject, and was emphatic in his agreement with Matheson's disparagement of the weather.

  4. But it was not easy after the Kriges' courtesy to leave them summarily; it was not possible, he felt, to do so and refuse to carry Krige's message without causing offence.

  5. I ween well that ye are Sir Gawayne that all the world worships, whose honour and courtesy are so greatly praised.

  6. Sidenote D: In cleanness and courtesy he was never found wanting,] [Sidenote E: therefore was the endless knot fastened on his shield.

  7. For their kind courtesy in answering my inquiries concerning the MS.

  8. It was a disagreeable task as these auctioneers had to be urged to cease doing business, but it was rendered unexpectedly easy by the courtesy and friendliness with which they coƶperated for the general welfare.

  9. My spec's, Missus," and she dropped her basket and a courtesy before Mrs. Hunter.

  10. He treated her with the respect and old-time courtesy which she said was "so truly Southern.

  11. I know enough of life to be aware of the courtesy which occasionally exists between men whose feelings and beliefs strongly conflict, yet I agree with you that, apart from business, we can have little in common.

  12. You would be treated with the courtesy and cordiality to which every one would see you to be entitled.

  13. She would be courtesy itself, yet by her strong will and tact would speedily make a gentleman understand, "You have no claim upon me; your wishes are nothing to me.

  14. They would despise him not only as a miracle of narrowness but also as an insincere man, whose courtesy had been but business policy, easily dropped at the bidding of some more pressing interest.

  15. There was a sort of stately cordiality in the meeting between her and Mrs. Hunter, quiet courtesy on the part of Captain Bodine toward all, while honest Ella could not banish a slight constraint from her manner.

  16. This courtesy had been expected and accepted as a matter of course, and to exchange it for cold, freezing politeness limited only to matters of trade, would not only subject him to ridicule but cut short his business career.

  17. Mrs. Hunter," he replied, "permit me to tell you with the utmost courtesy that I shall not obey you.

  18. He responded with as fine a courtesy as her own, although quite different, but there was a cool, steady self-restraint in eyes and manner which piqued and charmed her.

  19. And, though men treated her with even a greater and more delicate courtesy than they would perhaps have shown their own women, Virginia was none the less keenly conscious of the moral ban under which she lay.

  20. Mary, perhaps the thing that most readily won my heart was his reverence and tender courtesy to my father.

  21. I have seen the links that were forged in roses become gyves of iron--tenderness and courtesy give place to rudeness and contempt.

  22. With a courtesy becoming a knight of the Middle Ages he permitted Lieut.

  23. Twiggs in command, and called from courtesy to see him at his headquarters.

  24. Taylor concluded to put up some field works or fortifications out of courtesy to those being constructed by the Mexicans.

  25. Seeing that I came somewhat hastily and without warning," said I to De Aquila, "I have no fault to find with the courtesy that these Saxons have shown me.

  26. Yet my Pertinax by his jests and his courtesy and his labours had put heart and training into our poor numbers during the past years - more than I should have thought possible.

  27. Except in cases where the letter itself is an offence or an intrusion, the mere making of it is an act of courtesy towards the receiver.

  28. One letter, which I will quote at length, contains curious evidence of the courtesy and discourtesy of those days.

  29. If he dictates to a short-hand writer he is evidently chary of his valuable time, whereas courtesy always at least seems willing to sacrifice time to others.

  30. This wounds and injures courtesy itself in its most vital part, for the essence of it is the willingness to incur that very sacrifice which modern hurry avoids.

  31. We have not, it is true, the detestable habit of abridging words, as our ancestors often did, but we cut our phrases short, and sometimes even words of courtesy are abridged in an unbecoming manner.

  32. Tradesmen deserve credit for understanding the one element of courtesy in letter-writing which has been neglected by gentlemen.

  33. The first courtesy in epistolary communication is the mere writing of the letter.

  34. The most essentially modern element of courtesy in letter-writing is the promptitude of our replies.

  35. Courtesy lives by a multitude of little sacrifices, not by sacrifices of sufficient importance to impose any burdensome sense of obligation.

  36. But even if their spirit of courtesy had disposed them to renew their acquaintance with the British officers, there were two circumstances that just then would have rendered such a proposal very unadvisable.

  37. But for long years Launcelot was the glory of knighthood, and he vied with King Arthur himself in deeds of prowess and of chivalrous courtesy in the tournament and on adventure.

  38. When King Arthur was again on horseback, he looked upon Sir Launcelot, and then the tears burst out of his eyes, thinking on the great courtesy that was in Sir Launcelot, more than in any other man.

  39. She made courtesy down to him, and ever he looked up to the window with glad countenance, and loved her from that time and vowed to rescue her or else to die.

  40. But Landor, whose courtesy and refinement she acknowledges, had also a heart that was capable of loyal love and gratitude.

  41. They were generally accompanied by a young Huguenot peasant, their neighbour, and Browning with the courtesy he showed to every woman, used to take a little bag from the hands of the strong Norman girl, notwithstanding her entreaties.

  42. Reluctantly Mignon rose to perform the parting civilities which courtesy demanded.

  43. He knew only too well what courtesy demanded him to do, and he rebelled at the thought.

  44. His air of distant courtesy relaxing he said in a mollified tone: "Ah, yes, I understand.

  45. If you take part in the revue and Veronica agrees to be in it, too, then you will have to treat her with courtesy and make no slighting remarks about her behind her back.

  46. As Laurie had drawn her for a partner for the evening, she was positive that courtesy would prompt him to see her home, if the occasion demanded it.

  47. This has always insured courtesy and kindness in return, from all others.

  48. That no presents should be received except such articles as are appropriate for souvenirs and marks of courtesy and appreciation, and having an intrinsic value not disproportionate to such a purpose.

  49. Altogether, through the courtesy of Colonel Carr, I enjoyed my stay in Copenhagen exceedingly.

  50. That touching of the hat is a very rare piece of courtesy from working men in Australia.

  51. It is pleasant to add that, with much in their memories to exasperate them, the British privates treated their enemies with as large-hearted a courtesy as Lord Roberts had shown to their leader.

  52. Courtesy and attention were extended to the British wounded, and Lord Methuen was sent under charge of his chief medical officer, Colonel Townsend (the doctor as severely wounded as the patient), into Klerksdorp.

  53. But if they stayed, let them be thankful that they were tolerated at all, and not presume to interfere with the laws of those by whose courtesy they were allowed to enter the country.

  54. He was treated with all courtesy and attention, but died in Ladysmith Hospital some days afterwards.

  55. Most excellent and tasteful are its shops, whose proprietors have a courtesy of manner which city merchants might well emulate.

  56. The general raised his head, bowed with courtesy as they entered, and with a sign desired his niece to retire.

  57. It is this exaggerated courtesy that frightens me.

  58. He and his mother greeted us, and with beaming courtesy we were led to their wattled hut, where a timid sister gave us grapefruit.

  59. When we answered her appeal with a "Non merci," her face lighted up at the courtesy of the words; "Voyons!

  60. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "courtesy" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    admiration; adoration; amenity; apotheosis; appreciation; approbation; approval; attention; awe; benefaction; benefit; benevolence; benignity; blessing; breeding; chivalry; civility; compatibility; congeniality; consideration; courtesy; deference; deification; discourtesy; dispensation; duty; esteem; estimation; etiquette; familiarity; favor; gallantry; geniality; grace; homage; honor; hospitality; idolatry; indulge; intimacy; kindness; mercy; obligation; office; politeness; prestige; propriety; refinement; regard; respect; reverence; service; sociability; solicitude; tact; thoughtfulness; turn; veneration; worship