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Example sentences for "courtezan"

Lexicographically close words:
courtesie; courtesied; courtesies; courtesy; courtesying; courtezans; courthouse; courthouses; courtier; courtiers
  1. When Leigh and Mrs. Currer', says Davies, 'performed the parts of doting cully and rampant courtezan the applause was as loud as the triumphant Tories could bestow.

  2. The tutor escapes, and Cornelia coming in in the course of her wooing by Galliard informs him she is not really a courtezan as he supposed.

  3. In the last year of his life he dined with the courtezan Ambapâlî and the incident has attracted attention on account of its supposed analogy to the narrative about Christ and "the woman which was a sinner.

  4. Courtezan of opulence, she became the voluntary prostitute of the people; and like her celebrated prototypes of Egypt or of Rome, she lavished upon liberty the wealth she derived from vice.

  5. This Melulla, of fatal memory, was a courtezan from Zamte, of rare beauty, who for the last four months had been the delight and the rage of all the young men in Corfu.

  6. Count Capsucefalo had been sent to Cephalonia, his native country, with the order never to return to Venice, and the courtezan had disappeared.

  7. In Lyons I met the most famous courtezan of Venice.

  8. With the egotism of the courtezan she summarized her charms.

  9. Father and daughter; lady and servant or--a courtezan and her manager?

  10. Though poverty may strike a good man low, Peculiar honor waits upon his woe; And 't is the glory of a courtezan To set her love upon an honest man.

  11. Madanikā girl, do you say this because courtezan courtesy demands it?

  12. The courtezan class in India corresponded roughly to the hetæræ of ancient Greece or the geishas of Japan; it was possible to be a courtezan and retain one's self-respect.

  13. Officials, how can I testify that a courtezan is my friend?

  14. Too true it is that A courtezan will laugh and cry for gold; She trusts you not, but waits your trustful hour.

  15. For a courtezan who sets her heart on a poor man is blameless in the eyes of the world.

  16. And here, again, are courtezan girls that sing as charmingly as honey-drunken bees, and they are made to dance and recite a drama with love in it.

  17. His virtues have the power to move Vasantasenā's inmost love; Fair as the springtime's radiancy, And yet a courtezan is she.

  18. This courtezan keeps a regular menagerie of birds.

  19. But the gems which belong to the courtezan have been stolen.

  20. This malefactor enticed the courtezan Vasantasenā into the deserted old garden Pushpakaranda, and for a mere trifle murdered her by strangling.

  21. In the Hecyra, a young man, called Pamphilus, had long refused to marry, on account of his attachment to the courtezan Bacchis.

  22. The Greek courtezan possessed attainments, which the more virtuous of her sex were neither expected nor permitted to acquire.

  23. To sing, to dance, to play on the lyre and the lute, were accomplishments in which the courtezan was, from her earliest years, completely instructed.

  24. It was a courtezan who received the dying mother of the Andrian, and, while expiring herself, affectionately intrusted the orphan to the generous protection of Pamphilus.

  25. Afterwards, by a new contrivance, a courtezan is employed to pretend that she is the wife of Periplectomenes, and to persuade the captain that she is in love with him.

  26. It is a courtezan who, in the Eunuchus, discovers the family of the young Pamphila, and, in the Hecyra, brings about the understanding essential to the happiness of all.

  27. The earlier part is a mere translation from the Latin, except that the character of Thais is softened down from a courtezan to a coquette.

  28. Phaedria is brought on the stage venting his indignation at being excluded from the house of the courtezan Thais, for the sake of Thraso, who is the sole braggart captain exhibited in the plays of our author.

  29. The courtezan and the slaves are sketched with spirit and freedom, and the rapacious disposition of the female dealer in slave-girls, is well developed.

  30. He advances, he reads, and he learns that it is a courtezan of Athens who is interred with so much pomp.

  31. The congress between a courtezan and a rustic, and that between citizens and the women of villages, and bordering countries, is called, "deceitful congress.

  32. The King of the Panchalas killed the courtezan Madhavasena by means of the wedge during congress.

  33. But such hackneyed reflections on the career of a glorified courtezan of yesterday are not apt.

  34. Both had offended her in many ways--ways such as a courtezan never forgives.

  35. At first "he had no doubt but that Miss Jennings was a young courtezan upon the look-out, and that Miss Price was her business woman.

  36. And, like the true courtezan she was, this literal shower of gold in which she lived ran off her like water through a sieve.

  37. The courtezan saw in him a new emotion to be gratified; he saw in the King's mistress a stepping-stone to fortune.

  38. I allude to the murder of the celebrated courtezan Ellen Jewett.

  39. Embarrassed by the critical nature of his situation, Dick, then, in an evil hour, resolved to kill the courtezan who threatened to destroy his anticipated happiness.

  40. Many a courtezan did we meet, and many a watchman did we salute with the compliments of the season.

  41. Between the woman of the world and the professional courtezan the main difference in the light of this view lies in the length of the service.

  42. She is a courtezan but also a lady; in those days the former did not efface the latter; one was as much a title as the other and, probably, in demeanor, affection and intellect one was as good as the other.

  43. This old wretch was the 'landlady' of the house; she had been a celebrated and beautiful courtezan in her day, but age and vice had done their work, and she was now an object hideous to look upon.

  44. The courtezan was called a “Mutton” even in the reign of Henry III.

  45. Millwood= (Sarah), the courtezan who enticed George Barnwell to rob his master and murder his uncle.

  46. He proposed a party of pleasure with the famous courtezan Spiletta, whose favours were dear, but I declined, for my mind was taken up with the fair Ignazia, whom I considered a worthy successor to Charlotte.

  47. For the next ball I determined to carry the masker's advice into effect, but I did not want to take a courtezan or a married woman with me, and I could not reasonably expect that any young lady of family would accompany me.

  48. And the courtezan remained pensive, her forehead resting upon her hand.

  49. Virtue is easy to her who has every thing,' said the courtezan Oliba, 'hunger and privation ruin more women than dissipation.

  50. Genevieve, mounted, like her mistress, on a stool, raised herself on the points of her toes, and soon saw the celebrated courtezan enter the tavern.

  51. And, turning to the rich courtezan still kneeling, Jesus said to those present: 'Do you see this woman?

  52. I know she is a courtezan by her attire: now would I give a hundred of the Jew's crowns that I had such a concubine.

  53. My lord, the courtezan and her man are dead; So is the Turk and Barabas the Jew.

  54. Stupid and incredulous, he conjectured that Jesus did not know the profession of the female; but he was mistaken: the courtezan in question and all her family were intimately connected with the messiah.

  55. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "courtezan" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.