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Example sentences for "murder"

Lexicographically close words:
mur; mura; muraille; mural; murals; murdered; murderer; murderers; murderess; murdering
  1. They frequently cut off vessels, and murder all hands, being led on these occasions by renegade white men.

  2. This fellow, it appeared, was a fighting man who had great influence over the Drummond Island natives, with whom bloodshed and murder were acts of everyday occurrence.

  3. I wrote up the murder with a hungry attention to details, and when it was finished experienced but one regret--namely, that they had not hanged my benefactor on the spot, so that I could work him up too.

  4. With encouragement like that, I felt that I could take my pen and murder all the immigrants on the plains if need be and the interests of the paper demanded it.

  5. I would have it so; society punishes murder of the body, heaven punishes murders of the soul.

  6. I who never have committed an assault upon any foliage, whose conscience is innocent of the murder of a single flower!

  7. Yes, jealousy fills my soul with bitterness, encircles my brow with a band of iron, and makes me feel a frenzied desire to murder some fellow-being!

  8. He is chargeable, however, with the condemnation and execution of two poor women tried before him for witchcraft in 1664, a kind of judicial murder then falling under disuse.

  9. Titus and Lucius Quintius Flamininus, and, though recovered by Nabis two or three years later, was recaptured immediately after his murder (192 B.

  10. He left the greatest estate that had ever been amassed by a lawyer; but it is probably untrue that he acquired Littlecot Hall by fraudulently acquitting 'Wild Darrell' of the murder of its newly born heir.

  11. I had hoped to place before my readers the true account, or what passes for such, of that murder of Colin Roy Campbell of Glenure which, as we now know, produced such romantic consequences for David Balfour.

  12. The King asked, What do they intend to do with me; Whether to murder me or no?

  13. I am bound to be prosecuted for robbery and attempted murder in due course.

  14. And Steel had glanced at himself therein and seen murder in his eyes.

  15. There can be no murder without the slain and the slayer.

  16. In other words, the so-called murder that you imagined you had discovered to-night was the result of design.

  17. You call us up to your house, saying that a murder has been committed there; we find a stranger almost at his last gasp in your conservatory with every signs of a struggle having taken place.

  18. He is going to be charged with attempted murder and robbery.

  19. I know that on the day of the attempted murder Van Sneck quarrelled with Reginald Henson, who he said had treated him badly.

  20. It gave him a queer feeling that a murder had been committed there, and that everybody had fled, leaving the corpse behind.

  21. He has seen murder done under his eyes for days, and he is ready to give a certificate of the cause of death.

  22. Indeed, I should have been fully justified in arresting you for the attempted murder of Van Sneck.

  23. He will be in gaol before long charged with attempted murder and robbery with violence, and so exit Steel.

  24. The wretched boy who had played the dead-march on his fife at the murder of Helfenstein, was chained to a post, a fire was kindled around him, and the knights looked on, laughing at his horrible contortions.

  25. Akbar was deeply wounded by the murder of Abul Fazl.

  26. The murder was perpetrated, and thus was the expedition deprived of one who is described as an honest and generous good soldier.

  27. If he struck at the New Learning, it was through the murder of Sir Thomas More.

  28. Chili are all coming to murder the marquess!

  29. The crimes of theft, adultery, and murder were all capital; though it was wisely provided that some extenuating circumstances might be allowed to mitigate the punishment.

  30. It was cold-blooded murder in gluttonous quantity.

  31. Chapter 2 They did not murder him then and there.

  32. And from that grim house a little down the street, came at intervals, shocking their senses, the hideous outcry as of murder taking place.

  33. The eagle lives upon murder only, and may justly be entitled the minister of Death.

  34. Must not the child grow skilful in killing, that, from murder to murder, he may at last arrive at the surpassing feat of killing the flying swallow?

  35. I am known to be no friend of the old family; yet I would place the aera of planting at the Restoration; after the murder of Charles I.

  36. I began to imagine that the landlord, being about to emigrate, might murder us to get our money, and lay it upon the soldiers in the barn.

  37. He thus treated the point, as to prescription of murder in Scotland[272].

  38. Dalrymple points out that it was a belief in these 'answers from the Lord' that led John Balfour and his comrades to murder Archbishop Sharp.

  39. After the execution, the real perpetrator of the murder for which the unfortunate victim of legal enthusiasm has innocently suffered appears on the scene.

  40. He resolves to murder the king, and informs his daughter, who is passionately attached to her royal seducer, of his intention.

  41. She vowed that she would if she had to murder somebody to get them.

  42. Had not his backers threatened to murder him or sue him if he did not finish the big feature?

  43. Kedzie showed him a murder scene being enacted under the bluesome light.

  44. She did not want to have to murder anybody, especially her parents.

  45. But Dyckman must be growing impatient, since he tries to murder me to save the lawyer's fees.

  46. He was ashamed to face the servants, and he wanted to murder his valet for being aware of the master's defeat.

  47. The final account of the murder of Pierre (which he provoked by the most brutal oppression of his vassals) is full of power.

  48. But Chateaubriand had never given up his legitimism, and the murder of the Duke d'Enghien shocked him irresistibly.

  49. Such are Jean Petit, a furious partisan, who went so far as to excuse the murder of the Duke of Orleans, and Jean Charlier, or Gerson, one of the most respectable and considerable names of the later mediaeval literature.

  50. Numerous are the tales of murder done by his followers, one of whom vied with his master in deeds of murder and ferocity.

  51. Nor was it the first murder that had been done there.

  52. It was indeed only in the preceding spring, that a murder was committed on that very spot.

  53. Following the murder a bank failure is announced.

  54. He had seen convicts, even his own cell-mate, goaded to murder by their keepers, go to the gallows cursing God.

  55. Then I say, why does not his murder come out?

  56. War, and in its train, robbery and murder were so constantly carried on, that it was most unsafe for Afghans, and quite impossible for foreigners, to travel from one city to another.

  57. The arrest: murder of the prisoner: the Amir's decision.

  58. And the Amir now punishes the crimes of robbery and murder most severely.

  59. Highway robbery and murder are no longer common in the country; nor is murder or theft in the town.

  60. I never heard of there being any more highway robbery or murder near here.

  61. I found the money had been borrowed to pay off a fine imposed upon him for a murder he committed in Peshawur.

  62. Doubtless, the house had been the scene of a horrible murder, and the criminals had hastily hidden the ghastly proof of their deed in the garden; but murder will out, and the unrestful spirit of the victim was wandering around.

  63. Only murder and treason were punished with death.

  64. Once the faithful girl came stealthily by night long miles through the dark forests to inform Smith of an Indian plot to murder all the whites.

  65. He told them not to scalp the wounded, nor murder aged men, helpless women, or children.

  66. Mr Maitland's body was conveyed to Christchurch, where an inquest was held, when a verdict of murder was returned against Geoferey Marwood, and others not in custody.

  67. He and the other four men accused of the murder of Mr Maitland were placed in the dock.

  68. Some of them are off their reserves half the time, and they go off to murder and kill.

  69. Their task was to murder Armenians, their pay was the privilege to rape their girls and their women, and to rob the houses of the men they had killed.

  70. Already, in 1909, the experimental massacre at Adana took place, and the Young Turk party, with its possibly Liberal aims, had become a party that had as its main object a system of tyranny and murder such as the world had never seen.

  71. So, in support of the Pan-Turkish ideal, and in the name of the Turkish Allah, the God of Love, Germany stood by and let the infamous tale of lust and rapine and murder be told to its end.

  72. Toynbee in his pamphlet The Murder of a Nation, and The Murderous Tyranny of the Turks, and on the pamphlet by Dr.

  73. But here round Constantinople, there was some pretence at procedure before resorting to murder and deportation.

  74. There was at the time a large convoy of men and women in Constantinople which was to be led out for murder and deportation, and Jemal gave orders that it should be spared and sent back to its highland home.

  75. Phineas' murder "was reckoned to him for righteousness.

  76. All agree that murder is an invention of Satan, yet this very act at a suitable time made Phineas to be honoured with the high priesthood.

  77. An account describing a late execution for murder at Ancona, says that the prisoner knelt on the scaffold and repeated the Litany, the crowd making the responses.

  78. They are designed not only to prevent possible murder but to avenge actual murder.

  79. A friend of mine who was at an execution for murder in Rome, told me that the thousands of spectators round the scaffold recited the Miserere and De Profundis in a loud voice.

  80. The end justifying the means in the name of a perverted patriotism, whose end is self-glorification, whose means include among other horrors the murder of an innocent and defenceless civilian population.

  81. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "murder" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.

    Some related collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    murder committed; murderous fire