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Example sentences for "courtesie"

Lexicographically close words:
courteously; courteousness; courtes; courtesan; courtesans; courtesied; courtesies; courtesy; courtesying; courtezan
  1. And if they which doo meete or visite one an other be equall in dignity, they shew great courtesie on both sides, contending who shall surpasse in courtesie and wordes: wherein they are verie ceremonious.

  2. The Chino said that he was fully perswaded that the Aytao loued them well, and that he vnderstood hee did them great fauour and courtesie to graunt vnto the petition the which the interpreter did present in their name.

  3. So when they had surrendred vnto him thankes, they tooke their leaue and departed from Chincheo, whereas was the Insuanto or gouernor, by whose order was showed vnto them all the courtesie as you haue hearde.

  4. They found him with great maiestie, but yet gaue them great and good entertainment, and craued pardon at their hands, if that he did not giue them the entertainement and courtesie as they deserued.

  5. His wife also of courtesie so long as she liueth is called my ladie, although she happen to marie with a gentleman or man of meane calling, albeit that by the c[=o]omon law she hath no such prerogatiue.

  6. Which courtesie won him such love, As I before have told, 'Twas the cheef cause that he did prove More prosperous than he could.

  7. But Robbin with his courtesie So wonne the meaner sort, That they were loath on him to try 255 What rigor did import.

  8. Good maister Barnes, this entertaine of yours, So full of courtesie and rich delight, Makes me misdoubt my poore ability In quittance of this friendly courtesie.

  9. Gentle sir Raphe, your courtesie is such As may impose commaund unto us all; We will be thankfull bolde at your request.

  10. Whereupon, the Gentleman drawing near unto this Examinant, she did make a Curchy, or Courtesie unto him, as she did use to do to Gentlemen.

  11. But the king thought it best, rather with courtesie to reconcile them, than by cutting them off by death to procure the hatred of their freends and alies, which were manie, and of no small power.

  12. The king vnderstanding the purpose of the cardinall, shewed him what courtesie might be deuised, offering to beare his charges, so long as it pleased him to remaine in England, and promising him to consider aduisedlie of the matter.

  13. Nay generous Sir Let not your courtesie turn fury now.

  14. This senceless, silent courtesie methinks, Shews like two Turks, saluting one another, Upon two French Porters backs.

  15. Which word expounded to you, such a courtesie Doe you expect, and sudden.

  16. Then Lady Barnet most meeke and mild Saluted this Little Mousgrove, Who did repay her kinde courtesie With favour and gentle love.

  17. When he came to this bonny lasse, He found she was not coy; His courtesie she did imbrace, And did not say him nay.

  18. You told me, you salute not at the Court, but you kisse your hands; that courtesie would be vncleanlie if Courtiers were shepheards Clo.

  19. The lord Geffrie of Charnie was also taken prisoner, and wounded right sore, but the king of his noble courtesie caused him to be dressed by surgions, and tenderlie looked vnto.

  20. The king (as reason would) acknowledged this to proceed of great courtesie shewed toward him in the prince, and thanked him accordinglie.

  21. Oh, this hand betrayes him, you might remember him in some courtesie yet at least.

  22. Nay, good my Lord, this courtesie is not of the right breed.

  23. To make you vnderstand this in a manifested effect, I craue but foure daies respit: for the which, you are to do me both a present, and a dangerous courtesie Pro.

  24. Our woing doth not end like an old Play: Iacke hath not Gill: these Ladies courtesie Might wel haue made our sport a Comedie Kin.

  25. And then I stole all Courtesie from Heauen, And drest my selfe in such Humilitie, That I did plucke Allegeance from mens hearts, Lowd Showts and Salutations from their mouthes, Euen in the presence of the Crowned King.

  26. Pray remember Your courtesie good Anthony, and withal, How long 'tis since your Master sprung a leak, He had a sound one since he came.

  27. My thanks to you brave Sir, whose timely valour, And manly courtesie came to my rescue.

  28. The Turkes from our truce taking vntill that time, practised with vs all familiarly, and without any suspition of sinister or double dealing, they hauing shewed vs much courtesie both in word and deede.

  29. Whereupon I gather their fained courtesie proceeded rather for feare then of any good affection vnto her Maiesties seruice, Elbing and Stoad onely excepted, which of duetie for their commoditie I esteemed well affected.

  30. So these men departed with great courtesie in words on both parts.

  31. When the receiver of a courtesie Cannot sustain the weight it carries with it, 'Tis but a Trial, not a present Act.

  32. Not strain a courtesie to save a Gentleman?

  33. Most willing: I would not borrow from his courtesie One hour of life, to gain an age of glory.

  34. His Band was so torn and dirty, as if he had but just come from some fray; and lest passion should prove obnoxious, time had done him that courtesie to purge away his choler.

  35. Who would not proffer a big-bellied Woman (tired and indisposed) the courtesie of riding behind him for a little way to refresh her?

  36. When he went to Rome to obteine his Pall, the Pope rose from his chaire, stepped forwards to meet him, and with many ceremonies of courtesie did enterteine him.

  37. He composed himselfe to courtesie and affabilitie towards the people, and distributed much treasure among them.

  38. And so the French King more by courtesie of his enemies, then either by courage or discretion of his owne, returned in reasonable state to Paris.

  39. So greatly had he either by courtesie wonne the loue, or by courage erected the hopes of all men: yea of many who had bin his greatest enemies.

  40. Busie wit Invents new Orgies, fancy frames new rites To show it's superstition, anxious nights Are watcht to win its favour: while the beast Content with Natures courtesie doth rest.

  41. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "courtesie" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.