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Example sentences for "cutting them"

  • Marron batteries are made of several stands, with a number of cross rails for the marrons, which are regulated by leaders, by cutting them of different lengths, and nailing them tight or loose.

  • Leaders are made of different lengths; and, in cutting them, as is often the case, care must be taken to do it with as little waste as possible.

  • If the eels are small, curl them round, instead of cutting them up.

  • The manner of cutting them up entirely depends on the salad for which they are intended.

  • He gathered some very young leaves of the Bengal rose, about one quarter developed, cutting them off at their insertion, or at the surface of the bark.

  • Notwithstanding his doubts, it is now a well-established fact, that the blooming of roses may be retarded by cutting them back to two eyes after they have fairly commenced growing, and the flower buds are discoverable.

  • Then, heading a body of horse which he had kept in reserve, he rushed upon the disordered mass, cutting them down in multitudes, strewing the hill-side with English slain.

  • A body of well-mounted men-at-arms stood ready, and at the word of command rushed at full gallop upon the archers, cutting them down to right and left.

  • The storm of arrows had thrown Wallace's infantry into confusion, the line was broken at several points, and the horsemen charged into their midst, cutting them down in great numbers.

  • It is intended to produce small articles in large quantities, cutting them to duplicate form and size without any further measurements than those necessary to set the tools in their proper respective positions.

  • The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "cutting them" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.

    Some common collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    cups sugar; cutting down; cutting edge; cutting instrument; cutting machine; cutting them; cutting tool; dear poet; ever thou; good farmer; independent power; know when; late afternoon; left shoulder; live animals; long stretch; marine fish; must marry; not given; original sin; outward sign; pain and; patron saint; rising ground; that night; under stress