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Example sentences for "accurssed"

Lexicographically close words:
accumulators; accuracy; accurate; accurately; accursed; accurst; accusation; accusations; accusative; accusatives
  1. The archbishop of Yorke was accurssed by the popes commandement through all England, with booke, bell and candle, that by such terror his constancie might be weakened.

  2. Lucie, in absence of the bishop accurssed all those that had presumptuouslie attempted to laie hands on the said Ranulfe, and further, he put his owne church of saint Paule vnder interdiction.

  3. The legat perceiuing such disorder, accurssed generallie all such as thus troubled the kings peace, shewing themselues enimies to the king and the realme.

  4. They denounced him as fast amongst themselues with bell, booke and candle, to be accurssed and excommunicated.

  5. Wherevpon the pope had accurssed the English people, bicause they suffred the bishops sees to be vacant so long a time.

  6. So that for infelicitie it might well be compared vnto the name of Ione, a name vnhappie and much accurssed for the kingdome of Naples.

  7. Sidenote: The barons denounced accurssed by the popes commandement.

  8. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "accurssed" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.