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Example sentences for "achievable"

Lexicographically close words:
ached; achene; achenes; aches; acheter; achieve; achieved; achievement; achievements; achiever
  1. Now, these changes will require difficult, but fully achievable choices over and above the dedication of the surplus.

  2. To make the American Dream achievable for all, we must make college affordable for all.

  3. Already private enterprise, working through incorporated bodies of citizens, achieves ends undreamed of as so achievable in primitive societies; and in the future other ends undreamed of now as so achievable will be achieved.

  4. Obviously, such a wish list should be prioritized and tailored to the limits of achievable near/mid-term technology and affordability.

  5. Some of these aims may not be achievable given the political and technology constraints, but need to be explored.

  6. Depriving the enemy, in specific areas, of the ability to communicate, observe, and to interact is a more reasonable and perhaps more achievable variant.

  7. But a drowsy semi-abstraction was only achievable when the components of the Chaos were so numerous as to neutralize each other, becoming a sustained inarticulate roar.

  8. We have no right, he says, to assume that any result or consequence is not achievable by such an Antecedent.

  9. Indeed, it seems to be the sole type of play achievable by primitive man--if we may judge from observations made among savages who are still in the earlier periods of social development.

  10. He can make them execute feats of levitation, achievable only by the most marvelously gifted and by the most arduously trained of human dancers.

  11. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "achievable" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    attainable; feasible; negotiable; operable; possible; practicable; practical; realizable; viable; possible; practicable; practical; realizable; viable