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Example sentences for "addressers"

Lexicographically close words:
address; addresse; addressed; addressee; addressees; addresses; addressing; addrest; adds; adduce
  1. The object of the Addressers was to make the responsibility for a rupture rest on the Austrian government.

  2. The importance of the following addressers is out of all proportion to their apparent significance.

  3. Thomas Amory was one of the Addressers of Gage but he did not take an active part in controversies preceding the revolution.

  4. He had practised in Scituate in early life, was one of the eighteen country gentlemen who were driven into Boston and who were Addressers of General Gage in 1775.

  5. Benjamin Marston was one of the Addressers of Governor Hutchinson, and thus incurred the displeasure of the Revolutionists.

  6. Addressers to Governor Hutchinson, was probably a son of Deacon Robert Hooper, cousin to the aforesaid Hoopers.

  7. His name is found with the Addressers of General Gage.

  8. For the next seven years the Addressers were held up to their countrymen as traitors and enemies to their country.

  9. Thomas Gray of Boston was a merchant, a Protester against the Revolutionists, and one of the Addressers of Hutchinson.

  10. I will here drop this part of the subject, and state a few particulars respecting the prosecution now pending, by which the Addressers will see that they have been used as tools to the prosecuting party and their dependents.

  11. Having thus informed the Addressers of what passed at the meeting of Parliament, I return to take up the subject at the part where I broke off in order to introduce the preceding speeches.

  12. Letter Addressed to the Addressers on the Late Proclamation X.

  13. The number of addresses has been weekly retailed in the Gazette; but the number of Addressers has been concealed.

  14. A pompous account of the addressers of Mr. Hutchinson, then follows.

  15. Besides, did these addressers approve the policy or justice of any one of the bills, which were passed the last session of the late parliament?

  16. Sing the Addressers who lately set out To flatter the great and honesty rout, Where Frenchmen, and Swiss, and Hollanders shy United their forces with Charley Dingley,” etc.

  17. The Jacobites executed for their share in the Scottish raid of 1745 are inquiring whether the Addressers are not “friends to the cause which we all love so dear,” and which had planted their heads on the bar over twenty years before.

  18. Have you seen a list of the addressers of the late Governor?

  19. The Massachusetts councillors and addressers are held in curious esteem here, as you will see.

  20. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "addressers" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.