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Example sentences for "afraide"

Lexicographically close words:
aforn; aforsaid; afoul; afrade; afraid; afrayd; afrayde; afresh; africana; aft
  1. This little infant and most beautifull babe (worthie and meete for him that he was seazed for) by his countenance shewed as if he had beene afraide of his fortune.

  2. I and more afraide then euer was Oedipus, Cyrus, Crasus, and Perseus.

  3. Ye haue another auricular figure of defect, and is when we begin to speake a thing, and breake of in the middle way, as if either it needed no further to be spoken of, or that we were ashamed, or afraide to speake it it out.

  4. The mayde being afraide was amazed, and the Nursse that wayted vpon her, cried out.

  5. The Virgin =Mary= her selfe was afraide when she sawe the Angell =Gabriel=.

  6. Many would be afraide hereof at all times, but especially in the night season, except he knew very well it were a naturall thing.

  7. A Beare is afraide to meete them, and unable to match them, by reason of their sharpe teeth.

  8. As the Lyon is afraide of a white Cocke and a Mouse, so is the wolfe of a Sea crab, or shrimp.

  9. Was it any marvaile though the poore woman arose And start up, being afraide of that was in hir purse?

  10. I am afraide they wil beate out his braine.

  11. Many times Philenio met his Gentlewomen in the streates and sayde vnto them: "Which of you was most afraide or worste intreated?

  12. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "afraide" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.