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Example sentences for "agglutinating"

Lexicographically close words:
agglomerates; agglomeration; agglomerations; agglutinate; agglutinated; agglutination; agglutinative; aggrandise; aggrandisement; aggrandising
  1. Not that the roots of all words are necessarily modified; for they often remain as they do in agglutinating tongues.

  2. Lillie assumes that this agglutinating substance contained in egg sea water is required to bring about fertilization and he therefore calls it "fertilizin.

  3. This substance possesses the power of collecting together in clumps and masses, or agglutinating watery suspensions of that particular microbe.

  4. Confirm these results by testing the organisms isolated against specific agglutinating sera obtained from experimentally inoculated animals.

  5. A clammy and agglutinating sweat then occurred over the cranium, the hair became unctuous, stuck together, and appeared distended with an adhesive matter of reddish-brown color, believed by many observers to be sanguineous.

  6. The door is shut; the materials are stirred from time to time with an iron rake, to expose new surfaces, and prevent them from agglutinating or kerning, as the workmen say.

  7. The latter, however small its fragments may be, is quite available for fuel, in consequence of its agglutinating into a mass at a moderate heat, by the abundance of its bitumen.

  8. There are also numerous verbal formative elements given by McCabe himself, so that Angami must clearly be included in the agglutinating order.

  9. Speech#, almost everywhere in the agglutinating state, generally with suffixes.

  10. Hence it can be stated technically that an agglutinin possesses a haptophore group and an agglutinating group.

  11. There may be a mucopurulent discharge, which may be slight or profuse in quantity, agglutinating the hairs of the tail.

  12. I have also some specimens of the cells formed by wasps, which show that the partitions between them are also double, and that the agglutinating substance between them is more easily destroyed than that between the cells of the bee.

  13. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "agglutinating" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.