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Example sentences for "aggrandisement"

Lexicographically close words:
agglutinated; agglutinating; agglutination; agglutinative; aggrandise; aggrandising; aggrandize; aggrandized; aggrandizement; aggrandizing
  1. Lorenzo was clearly set upon the aggrandisement of his house and the dependence of all others.

  2. He was bent upon the permanent aggrandisement of all the branches of the Delle Rovere family.

  3. The war seemed to be rapidly changing its character; and the desires of Charles Albert appeared to be more exclusively concentrated on the aggrandisement of his own Kingdom.

  4. Another little enemy," said Ferdinand, still full of the sensation of power that had crept into his heart with the aggrandisement of Wallenstein's army.

  5. Yet there are few persons, even among those who witnessed the outbreak from its commencement, who can tell what was the object of its promoters, unless plunder and personal aggrandisement be assigned as their incentives.

  6. It is a powerful and voracious organisation, full of unscrupulous self-confidence, whose appetite for aggrandisement will only be limited by the power of helping itself to the severed members of its friends and neighbours.

  7. The military glory of the empire, and the imperial projects of aggrandisement absorbed the energies of government; and to promote these ends the substance of the country was wasted.

  8. The passion for aggrandisement was strongly developed in Peter, in Catherine II.

  9. But the Austrian cabinet were far from regarding his plans of ambitious aggrandisement with a partial eye.

  10. Russia was waging with the Porte an impolitic war of acquisition, to realise some of the selfish plans of aggrandisement which Napoleon had assented to, or perhaps suggested, at Tilsit and Erfurt.

  11. Should the desire for self-aggrandisement survive that day, the door would be thrown open to selfishness of a malignant type and to general demoralisation.

  12. These, like many other hospital grants, came after a time to be perverted from their original objects of charity, and applied to the aggrandisement of particular individuals.

  13. Nor was Punch inclined to look more favourably on Italy's policy of aggrandisement in North Africa.

  14. The Balkan wars, which began in an organized attempt to liberate Christians from the Turkish yoke, developed into an internecine struggle for aggrandisement amongst the members of the League.

  15. But as it was, this man and this policy were confessedly the sources, not only of security to individual Achaeans at the time, but of the aggrandisement of the whole league.

  16. If William should succeed in placing himself on the throne of England, he would be able to raise a far more formidable opposition to his plans of aggrandisement than he had ever yet done.

  17. On this one point he had always displayed unusual firmness, and it was a firmness highly honourable to him, for by it he maintained the rights of a brother, at the expense of the aggrandisement of his own son.

  18. Never had he been so daring in his plans of aggrandisement as at this moment.

  19. Urbino profited by each mistake of Sigismondo, and the history of this long desultory strife with Rimini is a history of gradual aggrandisement and consolidation for the Montefeltrian duchy.

  20. These, if devoid of any special interest, tend considerably to our enlightenment regarding the much vexed question of a south Slavonic kingdom, and at the same time of Russia's prospects of aggrandisement south of the Danube.

  21. We have seen what, in the view of the German Foreign Minister, should be the fate of small Powers which stand in the way of the aggrandisement of great ones.

  22. The fear with which a powerful prince inspired him, and the gratitude which he owed to the Republic for the aggrandisement of his kingdom after the Asian war, obliged him to cultivate the friendship of the Roman people.

  23. Government on the old system is an assumption of power, for the aggrandisement of itself; on the new a delegation of power for the common benefit of society.

  24. Warwick, with a fine consistency, never permitted any other motive to influence him when his own aggrandisement was involved in the issues.

  25. Neither Spain nor England wished to be involved in war with France; but neither country could view her aggrandisement with complete equanimity.

  26. It would subordinate him and his comfort to the aggrandisement of beings who are not his superiors but his moral equals.

  27. Or it means that all citizens may be completely subordinated to the aggrandisement of an abstract entity, called the State.

  28. If the capitalist is not rewarded for this inconvenience he is, like the unpaid labourer, subordinated to the aggrandisement of his fellows.

  29. In other respects the British Cabinet favoured Austria's plans of aggrandisement in Italy as enhancing her power in a sphere which could not arouse the jealousy of Prussia.

  30. After this explicit statement, there ought to have been no bickerings about British aggrandisement at Toulon.

  31. It was the application of these principles to our ally, the Dutch Republic, which Pitt refused to accept, especially as their corollary made for the aggrandisement of France.

  32. In brief, they were the aggrandisement of Austria in Northern Italy and of Prussia in the Low Countries so as to form barriers against France.

  33. This came from the fact that since the immense aggrandisement of the Empire the ostensible Ministers, instead of rising in credit, had seen their functions diminish by degrees.

  34. Bonaparte's passion for territorial aggrandisement knew no bounds; and the turn of the Hanse Towns now arrived.

  35. In Gradenigo's reign we note the first indication of a policy of territorial aggrandisement on the Italian mainland.

  36. The steady pursuance of commercial aggrandisement brought Venice in the previous reign into conflict with Bologna.

  37. The Pope who, as he told Venice, had no pleasure in seeing the ruin of her State to the aggrandisement of the barbarians, now became her ally.

  38. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "aggrandisement" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.