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Example sentences for "aggrandize"

Lexicographically close words:
agglutination; agglutinative; aggrandise; aggrandisement; aggrandising; aggrandized; aggrandizement; aggrandizing; aggravate; aggravated
  1. Forgery of the "Donation of Constantine" used as a plea to urge Charlemagne still more to aggrandize the see of Rome.

  2. No man, however, can pay a more servile tribute to the great, than by suffering his liberty in their presence to aggrandize him in his own esteem.

  3. With years we will correct, we will task ourselves to aggrandize and elevate our work.

  4. Hence, to fortify and aggrandize royal power was of real necessity; all plans and efforts of man would have failed to place an obstacle in its way.

  5. Such a series is illustrated in the genealogy embedded in the famous song to aggrandize the family of the famous chief Kualii, which carries back the chiefly line of Hawaii through 26 generations to Wakea and Papa, ancestors of the race.

  6. In the second place, this very effort to aggrandize him above his fellows puts every material advantage in the hands of the chief.

  7. Ability in learning and language is, therefore, a highly prized chiefly art, respected for its social value and employed to aggrandize rank.

  8. The splendor of the ceremonials which aggrandize living royalty as much as they glorify dead heroism, was wholly wanting in the obsequies of Mr. Lincoln.

  9. It is plain from the words of Isaiah that Lucifer, already of exalted rank, sought to aggrandize himself without regard to the rights and agency of others.

  10. The Master proceeded to show that a man who speaks on his own authority alone seeks to aggrandize himself.

  11. His desire to aggrandize his family burned with a quenchless flame.

  12. His ambition was not to secure for himself ease or luxury, but to extend his imperial power, and to aggrandize his family.

  13. It became the nobler ambition of Julius to aggrandize the church, and to reassume the protectorate of the Italian people.

  14. This he contrived to do by adopting a policy of complete subserviency to the khan of the Golden Horde, who, in return for a liberal and punctual tribute, permitted him to aggrandize himself at the expense of the lesser grand dukes.

  15. Former Popes have indeed had their hobbies: some wanted to aggrandize and enrich their families; others, like Sixtus VI.

  16. The Council, if it entertained such views, would be forgetting altogether that it was only called together for two purposes--to increase the plenary power of the Pope, and to aggrandize the Jesuits.

  17. The Gospel is to aggrandize Christ and the mercy of God.

  18. The Gospel is not there for us to aggrandize ourselves.

  19. Venice, which up to the fall of Constantinople had been the strongest of the Italian states, forgot its duties and its dangers in relation to the Turks, in order to aggrandize itself in Italy.

  20. But Northumberland proved to be less worthy to hold the protectorate than he, and labored to aggrandize his relatives.

  21. The Legislature will continually seek to aggrandize & perpetuate themselves; and will seize those critical moments produced by war, invasion or convulsion for that purpose.

  22. And with all those powers, and the President in their interest, they will depress the other branch of the Legislature, and aggrandize themselves in proportion.

  23. Here then is a mutual connexion & influence, that will perpetuate the President, and aggrandize both him & the Senate.

  24. Make new hopes shine through the flesh they fray, New fears aggrandize the rags and tatters: To bring the invisible full into play!

  25. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "aggrandize" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    advance; aggrandize; aggravate; amplify; aught; augment; ballyhoo; bloat; boast; boost; broaden; build; bulk; burlesque; canonize; caricature; compound; crescendo; crown; deify; develop; dignify; dilate; distend; distinguish; elevate; embroider; enlarge; ennoble; enshrine; enthrone; erect; exaggerate; exalt; expand; extend; fatten; glorify; graduate; heighten; hike; honor; huff; immortalize; increase; inflate; intensify; knight; lengthen; lift; magnify; manifest; maximize; multiply; overcharge; overdo; overdraw; overestimate; overreach; overstate; parlay; pass; pedestal; plus; praise; prefer; promote; puff; pump; push; pyramid; raise; rarefy; saint; sanctify; stretch; sublime; swell; thicken; throne; tout; travesty; upgrade; uplift; widen