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Example sentences for "agli"

Lexicographically close words:
agitations; agitator; agitators; agitur; agleam; aglitter; aglow; agmina; agmine; agnate
  1. Three days they fasted, and at length a voice was heard saying: "Salite alla torre e guardate agli astri.

  2. How excellent that school must have been will become apparent as we proceed to note the functions of the College of which the Savii agli ordini formed a silent part.

  3. Next in order above the Savii agli ordini came the Savii di Terra ferma.

  4. These Savii di Terra ferma, like the Savii agli ordini, held office for six months only.

  5. The Italians have a saying, Dir le sue ragioni agli sbirri, that is, to argue with a policeman.

  6. To the constellations he makes the following reference: "Furono osservate molte stelle in vicinanza del Polo antartico incognite non solo agli Egizij e Greci, ma ancora a Ticone Brahe.

  7. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "agli" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.