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Example sentences for "allegeance"

Lexicographically close words:
alledging; allee; allegation; allegations; allege; alleged; allegedly; alleges; allegiance; alleging
  1. We charge you, on allegeance to our selfe, To hold your slaughtring hands, and keepe the Peace: Pray' Vnckle Gloster mittigate this strife 1.

  2. Then sweare Allegeance to his Maiesty, As thou art Knight, neuer to disobey, Nor be Rebellious to the Crowne of England, Thou nor thy Nobles, to the Crowne of England.

  3. I am sorry the Papists should have a greater sense of their Allegeance then many Protestant Professors; who seem to have learned, and to practise the worst Principles of the worst Papists.

  4. My Lords, We were fore-warned of your comming, And shut the Gates, for safetie of our selues; For now we owe allegeance vnto Henry Edw.

  5. How smooth and euen they do bear themselues, As if allegeance in their bosomes sate Crowned with faith, and constant loyalty Bed.

  6. And then I stole all Courtesie from Heauen, And drest my selfe in such Humilitie, That I did plucke Allegeance from mens hearts, Lowd Showts and Salutations from their mouthes, Euen in the presence of the Crowned King.

  7. Or why, thou being a Subiect, as I am, Against thy Oath, and true Allegeance sworne, Should raise so great a power without his leaue?

  8. My good sword before me, And my allegeance to the King I tell thee Captain (for so I ghess thee by thy Arms) And the loose flanks of Halberdiers about thee, Thou art too weak, and foolish to attempt me.

  9. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "allegeance" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.