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Example sentences for "allegorists"

Lexicographically close words:
allegoric; allegorical; allegorically; allegories; allegorising; allegorize; allegorized; allegorizing; allegory; allegro
  1. And how came these modern Allegorists of this Miracle to apply it as they do, and to make it a mystical Representation of the Ruin of the Jewish State?

  2. Both passages deserve quotation, since they mark the fundamental contrast between Philo and non-Jewish allegorists of the law.

  3. It is true that the symbolism of two allegorists is varied, but a common spirit and aim underlie their interpretations.

  4. Philo speaks, fifteen times in all, of explanations of allegorists who read into the Bible this or that system of thought[33] regarding the words of the law as "manifest symbols of things invisible and hints of things inexpressible.

  5. It must not be put down to the fault of the Septuagint or the allegorists or Philo that the Alexandrian development of Judaism led on to Roman Christianity.

  6. The allegorists explain this, as meaning that Satan would render men given up to the love of earthly things one with himself by deceiving them.

  7. Bunyan is indeed as decidedly the first of allegorists as Demosthenes is the first of orators, or Shakspeare the first of dramatists.

  8. Other allegorists have shown equal ingenuity, but no other allegorist has ever been able to touch the heart, and to make abstractions objects of terror, of pity, and of love.

  9. Levi ben Chayim repudiated the allegorical interpretations of laws; in fact, he denounced the allegorists as heretics, and desired to preserve the historical character of the biblical narratives as much as possible.

  10. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "allegorists" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.