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Example sentences for "amiddleward"

Lexicographically close words:
amicum; amicus; amid; amidde; amiddlemost; amide; amides; amidmost; amido; amids
  1. Amiddleward this pavilion was a fountain, inlaid with all manner jacinths, and thereon a statue of gold, and [beside it] a little door.

  2. These latter they spread amiddleward the garden and setting up the throne thereon, perfumed the place with virgin musk and aloes and ambergris.

  3. I seated myself amiddleward the saloon, misdoubting, and as I sat, there came down on me from the estrade seven naked men, without other clothing than leather girdles about their waists.

  4. There be all the queens in the world, even, I may say, to the Sirreverence of Prester John, who hath his horns amiddleward his arse; see you now?

  5. When Nuzet ez Zeman heard these words of the Bedouin, the light in her eyes was changed to darkness, and she rose and drawing the sword, smote him amiddleward the shoulder-blades, that the point issued from his throat.

  6. Its door was of teak, inlaid with glittering gold, and by it one passed into a saloon, amiddleward which was a basin of water, with an artificial fountain rising from its midst.

  7. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "amiddleward" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.