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Example sentences for "amiddlemost"

Lexicographically close words:
amicos; amicum; amicus; amid; amidde; amiddleward; amide; amides; amidmost; amido
  1. Hereupon the woman sat down and took thought of her affair and how she should do for an hour or so, and presently she arose and dug her amiddlemost the tent a hole[FN#169] which would contain a man, wherein she concealed her lover.

  2. Then, by doom of Destiny the beast shook his head and snorted and set off at full speed making for the wild and the wold and was presently amiddlemost the waste.

  3. Then he came down from the tree in haste, but he saw no one, for as soon as the lover had finished his business the good-wife thrust him into the hole amiddlemost the tent and covered him with a mat.

  4. But whilst he was still journeying he came upon the river Al-Kawa'ib and he drew in sight of the castle of Al-Hayfa, which stood amiddlemost that mighty stream with its height and bulk and defensive strength.

  5. FN#129] And amiddlemost of them appeared three Sultans of the Jánn all crying out at once "Labbayka!

  6. The house-folk heard the breakage ringing and rattling; so they crowded one after other to discover what had done the damage and at last they found my papoosh sprawling amiddlemost the room.

  7. How darest thou, therefore, presume upon us and say to us, 'Build me a castle amiddlemost the main'?

  8. Then the Princess and her suite, drawing still nearer to his place of concealment, found a lakelet in the Arab's garden brimful of water amiddlemost whereof stood a brazen lion, through whose mouth the water entered to issue from his tail.

  9. The Minister replied, "I never knew that here was any stream, albe well I wot that the Tigris river floweth amiddlemost the capital; but this is a magical current.

  10. After this he bade his shipmates bind him with cords under his armpits and let him down amiddlemost the main.

  11. Thereupon he summoned the Grand Wazir and bade that a great Mausoleum of white marble be edified amiddlemost the city and the Minister straightway appointed workmen and made choice of a suitable spot in the very centre of the capital.

  12. After this inspection I seated myself amiddlemost the saloon, misdoubting; and lo and behold!

  13. Amiddlemost this pavilion was a founfain, inlaid with all kinds of jacinths, and thereon a golden statue of a man and beside it a little door.

  14. So I walked up and came upon a place pargetted with marble and spread and hung with gold-worked carpets and tapestry, amiddlemost of which stood a throne of juniper-wood inlaid with pearls and precious stones and set with bosses of emeralds.

  15. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "amiddlemost" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.