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Example sentences for "white marble"

  • The most important monument is the Augusteum, a temple of white marble erected to ``Rome and Augustus'' during the lifetime of that emperor by the common council or diet of the three Galatian tribes.

  • They are built of white marble, and are pre-eminent alike for their beauty and as typical specimens of Jain architecture in India.

  • In the centre of the court is the celebrated Fountain of Lions, a magnificent alabaster basin supported by the figures of twelve lions in white marble, not designed with sculptural accuracy, but as emblems of strength and courage.

  • It rests on a series of arcades supported by white marble columns.

  • The building is of white marble throughout, crowned with a great white dome in the centre, and with a smaller dome at each of its four corners.

  • It is surrounded by an iron railing, and marked by a slender obelisk of white marble, the pattern of which is many times repeated over surrounding graves.

  • To confess the truth, I took more interest in a fair Gothic monument, in white marble, of Pope Benedict XII.

  • It is a room of noble proportions, lofty and long, though divided in the midst by a screen or partition of white marble, which rises high enough to break the effect of spacious unity.

  • Beyond the walls of white marble a noble company was gathered that summer day.

  • The edifice was in course of construction for five hundred years, and to look at it one would hardly suppose there was white marble enough in Europe to furnish the raw material of which it is built.

  • It is of white marble, three hundred feet in height, the principal dome being eighty feet high, and of such exquisite form and harmony is the whole that it seems almost to float in the air.

  • He had also been at the expense of paving the choir with black and white marble, and of inserting stained glass at the east end.

  • Peter, rendered famous by the relics and miracles of the renowned virgin Etheldreda, "who, with body uncorrupted, lasts even to this day in a white marble mausoleum.

  • But what absorbed my delighted gaze, was an innumerable assembly of white marble statues, of every form, and in multitudinous posture, filling the hall throughout.

  • It is made of white marble, and is adorned throughout with exquisite mosaics.

  • The last-named building is a Corinthian dormitory, its tiers of small windows contrasting strangely with its white marble columns.

  • This charming edifice, with its unfinished exterior of white marble, its simple and dignified lines, and internal embellishments in della-Robbia ware, is one of the masterpieces of the period.

  • On the west side, occupying the entire block from Eighteenth to Nineteenth streets, is a magnificent building of white marble used by a number of retail merchants.

  • The block from Twenty-fourth to Twenty-fifth streets is occupied by the Albemarle and Hoffman Houses, in the order named, both of white marble.

  • Both buildings are of white marble, and the latter is one of the grandest in the Union.

  • It was composed of a circular basement of white marble, two hundred and twenty-five feet in diameter, which supported a cone of earth, planted with cypresses and evergreens.

  • The obelisk is of granite; its pedestal of white marble.

  • The monument is a parallelogram in shape, thirty-five feet long by nineteen feet wide, with walls of travertine, and decorations of white marble; and it is surrounded by votive altars and pedestals of statues.

  • This event filled Herod with fear, and to expiate his sacrilege he raised a beautiful monument of white marble at the entrance of the tombs.

  • The streets seem badly paved, and are consequently noisy, and there are few fine buildings or sights of any kind; but the dwelling-houses are not unfrequently built of white marble, and are all handsome and substantial.

  • It is entirely constructed of white marble, and has a colossal statue of Washington on the top.

  • A beautiful chapel of white marble with a fine range of steps and columns, the inside equally neat, the pulpit in a recess, a column on each side and an inscription over "This is life eternal.

  • Then we walked to a beautiful fine column of white marble, surmounted by a large figure of Washington.

  • Visited the Exchange, a handsome edifice built of white marble.

  • At a distance, towards the centre of the island, he beheld the stately towers of what seemed to be a palace, built of snow-white marble, and rising in the midst of a grove of lofty trees.

  • But what was their surprise on beholding a tall edifice of white marble, with a wide-open portal, occupying the spot where their humble residence had so lately stood!

  • It is situated in a walled garden on the bank of the River Jumna about a mile and a half from the hotels, and is constructed entirely of white marble.

  • The throne stood upon a high platform in an alcove of white marble, richly decorated, and above it are balconies protected by grilles or screens behind which the sultanas were permitted to watch the proceedings.

  • You have doubtless seen brooches, earrings, sleeve-buttons and other ornaments of Florentine mosaic, with floral and other designs worked out with different colored stones inlaid on black or white marble.

  • The center building, of white marble, is surrounded by villas and cottages erected for the accommodation of the members of the princely families who are sent there.

  • The road leads up to a superb gateway of red sandstone inlaid with inscriptions from the Koran in white marble, and surmounted by twenty-six small marble domes, Moorish kiosks, arches and pinnacles.

  • The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "white marble" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.

    Some common collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    feel convinced; hissing sound; man that; white clouds; white cotton; white disk; white flour; white goat; white heather; white horses; white locks; white mantle; white mule; white person; white plume; white population; white preacher; white roses; white sand; white sandstone; white shirt; white trash; white vitriol; white whale; white witch; white women