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Example sentences for "anacrusis"

Lexicographically close words:
anac; anachronism; anachronisms; anachronistic; anaconda; anadromous; anaemia; anaemic; anaerobic; anaesthesia
  1. Similar combinations, still freer, with frequent anacrusis as well, are characteristic of Swinburne's Hesperia; e.

  2. This may be trochaic with anacrusis or iambic with feminine endings, but neither quite adequately describes it.

  3. According to this theory, the Saturnian is a verse of six feet, with an anacrusis (2529).

  4. Hence it seems best to restrict anacrusis to logaoedic verse, in which it undoubtedly occurs.

  5. The verse may also be regarded as a syncopated catalectic trochaic dimeter with anacrusis (2529).

  6. This verse consists of a trochaic dimeter catalectic with anacrusis + a Lesser Archilochian (2579).

  7. The second half usually has three, but may have only two, in which case it is usually preceded by an anacrusis (2529).

  8. Alcaeus admitted a trochee in the second foot, and allowed the anacrusis to be either long or short; but Horace admitted only the spondee in the second foot, and usually (in Bk.

  9. This verse is a logaoedic pentapody catalectic, with anacrusis and with the dactyl in the third foot.

  10. The anacrusis may be a long syllable, a short syllable, or two shorts (but not two longs).

  11. Anacrusis gives further variety to the types used in the translation.

  12. The four stresses of the Anglo-Saxon verse are retained, and as much thesis and anacrusis is allowed as is consistent with a regular cadence.

  13. The second line has a regular structure: in the third the suppression of the anacrusis is to be noted and the absence of an unaccented syllable in the second hemistich.

  14. Of course in such an investigation the use of anacrusis in the types A and A1 should not be neglected.

  15. For the rest, all the rhythmic licences of the Septenary occurring in the Moral Ode are also to be met with here; as, for instance, the suppression of the anacrusis in the first hemistich of l.

  16. Such verses, however, may also be looked upon as instances of the omission of anacrusis combined with epic caesura.

  17. According to the presence or absence of anacrusis in the two hemistichs four different kinds of line may be distinguished: 1.

  18. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "anacrusis" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.