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Example sentences for "antonyms"

Lexicographically close words:
antitypical; antler; antlered; antlers; anto; antorbital; antre; antro; antropologia; antrum
  1. Antonyms are words opposite in meaning; but the opposition, for the same reasons as the likeness, is seldom or never absolute.

  2. A compact, practical volume, with antonyms (in italics for contrast) immediately following synonyms.

  3. A book of the ordinarily used synonyms of words, with antonyms after some of them, and with lists of associated words wherever these are likely to be useful.

  4. Discrimination in the use of words is secured by The study of synonyms antonyms homonyms and care in employing them.

  5. Of smaller books of synonyms and antonyms there are plenty.

  6. Footnote 33: A book of synonyms and antonyms is in preparation for this series, "The Writer's Library.

  7. There are no true antonyms of kin or kindred, except those made by negatives, since strangers, aliens, foreigners, and foes may still be kin or kindred.

  8. Defense, exculpation, justification, and vindication are more properly antonyms than synonyms of apology in its modern sense, and should be so given, but for their connection with its historic usage.

  9. What are the chief antonyms of absolve?

  10. Do the antonyms boisterous, excited, ruffled, turbulent, and wild, also apply to the same?

  11. The antonyms apostate, pervert, and renegade are condemnatory names applied to the convert by those whose faith he forsakes.

  12. Thus voluntary and involuntary, which are antonyms of each other, are both partial synonyms of spontaneous.

  13. What are some chief antonyms of active?

  14. What are some chief antonyms of absurd?

  15. To speakers and writers antonyms are useful as furnishing oftentimes effective antitheses.

  16. Antonyms are words that are opposed to another word in meaning.

  17. In many instances, however, a list of antonyms is unnecessary.

  18. V2 Wishing to have an extensive list of Synonyms and Antonyms for another project, I settled on Fallows’ amazing publication.

  19. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "antonyms" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.