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Example sentences for "archival"

Lexicographically close words:
architecturally; architecture; architectures; architrave; architraves; archive; archives; archivist; archivists; archivolt
  1. Various authentic archival documents of 1618 and subsequent years, however, go to show that the land afterwards named Eendrachtsland or Land van de Eendracht, and the Dirk Hartogsreede (island) must have been discovered on this voyage.

  2. MAJOR brought out his well-known book Early Voyages to Terra Australis, now called Australia, containing translations of some of the archival pieces and of other documents pertaining to the subject.

  3. The key to effective use of archival products in a school environment is a clear, effective introduction to the system and to what it contains.

  4. Deciding what that archival form would be and attaining it required much work and thought.

  5. This meant that the emphasis of AM, from the outset, has been on archival collections of the basic material, and on making these collections themselves available, rather than selected or heavily edited products.

  6. Many of you will probably live to see more than one library school equipped with full departments for instruction in palaeography and archival science, with special curricula for each distinguished from the general course in library economy.

  7. In the immediate past schools or university courses of palaeography or archival science have been practically library schools.

  8. Blinded by the archival dust of Yakutsk, Mueller confused everything.

  9. C) Unless preserved exclusively for purposes of archival preservation, the phonorecord is destroyed within 6 months from the date the sound recording was first transmitted to the public using the phonorecord.

  10. For the good Mayor seized him, and clothed him in silk, And fed him on pumpkins and pasteurised milk, And praised him in public, and coupled his name With Gosh's vague prophet of archival fame.

  11. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "archival" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.